Crawford Church (1894-?)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 23, 1894 page 669 Vol. 32 No. 42 Crawford Church, Nebr. – Elders Jesse Y. Heckler and John L. Snavely came to us Sept. 11, preaching six sermons. Two precious souls were mad willing to forsake sin and unite with the children of God. Sept. 15 about fourteen members surrounded the Lord’s Table in the capacity of love feast, the first ever held at his place. We never saw better order and interest manifested anywhere. Sunday, Sept. 16, the small band of members met at the house of Bro. Geo. A. Dane for the purpose of partly organizing. Brethren Geo. A. Dane, Asa Booth and William Dane were elected deacons. The meeting passed off pleasantly and we all fee encourage. We feel that much good could be done here if we could have a minister with us all the time. We know there are some almost persuaded to be Christians. Pray for us isolated members up here in Nebraska, and send some more good ministers to help us! – Addie Mets, Oct. 2 |