Coal Creek Church (1890 - ?)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 28, 1890 page 55 Vol. 28 No. 5 I was requested by Bro. M. M. Eshelman, to go to the Belleville church, Republic County, Kansas, and also to the Cuba church, about twelve miles east of Belleville, to attend their church councils. Dec. 26 was the one at Cuba, and Dec. 28 the one at Belleville. “Both were pleasant meetings to me, as I had not met the members at those places for ten years in council. I spent some time with them in meetings of worship, and tried to encourage them in the good way of salvation. Some gave the church the promise to unite soon and be baptized, but still put it off for a more convenient time. From Cuba I was taken by brethren Daniel Smith and Wm. Lugenbeel to Ida, where we had two meetings. My next point was Jefferson County, Nebraska, where brethren Smith and Lugenbeel had made some appointments for preaching. This is a new point where the Brethren never preached until the latter part of last summer when Bro. Eli Rule, of Washington, labored among them, and the Lord blessed his work to the converting of eleven precious souls. Bro. Rule has now moved among them to feed the lambs. The members at this place unanimously agreed to go into an organization as far as could be done. At a council meeting, assembled at the house of sister Fourtner. Jan. 7, 1890, it was unanimously agreed to set apart two brethren of the office of deacon. The lot fell on brethren George Fourtner and Joseph Lashley. The new origination is named Coal Creek church. I hope the elders of South Beatrice church will look after the welfare of this little flock. Any of those brethren may be addressed at Fairbury. John Forney
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 23, 1890 Vol. 28 No.37 News from the Coal Creek Church, Nebr. This little band of members was organized about one year ago. Bro. John Forney, with the assistance of Brethren W. Lugenbeel and Daniel Smith, organized them some time afterwards. Out of this number one died and one was disowned. One more was added our number lately, and we expect two more soon. The opposing element tries to overthrow, but the old ship sail along under the guidance of the Great Captain. The writer has labored hard for the welfare of this little band. Though his circumstances have not been the most encouraging, he is willing to labor on as God may grant him grace. Eli Rule