Bethel Church (1875-)
The Pilgrim May 4, 1875 page 286 Vol. VI No.18 Falls City, Neb., Apr. 16, ’75. Dear Pilgrim: - I will give you a little church news. I left home on the first day of April; came to friend Wright’s house on the 3rd, in Thayer Co., Neb. Had meeting at night in the south end of Fillmore Co., at the house of Levi Holsinger; good attention. On the 4th meeting at 10 o’clock, a. m., at Griffith’s school-house; here I met elder A. Ives, who helped us in the administration of the word; had a good meeting. thirteen souls were made to confess Christ and were baptized, nine men and four women. Met at night again at Levi Holsinger’s house for preaching. On the 5th, meeting at 10 a. m. at the house of Wesley Teeder’s. Here six more were willing to put on Christ by baptism, three men and three women. Met at the house of Simon Holsinger’s at 1 o’clock p. m., to make a church organization; had a choice for two deacons. The office fell upon Simon Holsinger and James Danburen. 31 members were organized into this body, called the Bethel Church. Its members are in Fillmore and Thayer counties. Here A. Ives gave us the parting hand for home. Had meeting at the Martin school-house in the evening. On the 6th, met at 2 p. m., at Bro. S. Holsinger’s in worship; too much rain to go to meeting in the evening. 7th, meeting at the house of widow Keeler; here one more was baptized. Had night meeting at Levi Holsinger’s. This finished our labor here. We met at the house of S. R. Holsinger at 12 o’clock, p. m. on the 5th, for the purpose of organizing a church. The church with but three dissenting votes agreed to name our church Bethel, the meaning of church is, “The house of the Lord.” The church elected two deacons and the lot fell on brother Thomas Van Buren, who, although but a young members, is an earnest and a zealous brother in the good cause of Christ. The other brother elected to the deaconship is you unworthy writer. Although I feel my unworthiness, I am willing to submit to the will of my heavenly Father in all things. We met a Martin’s schoolhouse in the evening of the 5rh for preaching. Brother Forney’s text on this occasion was, “Ye are brought with a price.” He told us why we were bought, who brought us, the ransom paid for us, and to whom we now lawfully belong.
Christian Family Companion & Gospel Visitor May 11, 1875 page 317 Vol. II No. 20 Report of Bethel Church, Neb. Brother Quinter: - I shall endeavor to write out a report of a series of meeting that just closed. According to appointment brother John Forney, Sen., of Falls City, Nebraska, arrived here on Saturday, April. 5, and preached for us I the evening at the house of Levi Holsinger. We had good attendance and good order. Our beloved brother held forth the word of God in its purity and simplicity. On Sabbath, April 4th, had meeting at Chambers’ school-house. Had a full house, as it was noise abroad that baptism should be administered to quite a number of applicants by trine immersion. As the occasion would require, the brother spoke upon the subject of Christian baptism. On this occasion brother Allen Ives, from Burr Oak, Kansas, was also present, and opened the subject by making appropriate remarks, and was followed by brother Forney who acquainted the applicants with the duties and privileges that pertained to them; at the same time substantiating his assertions by the word of God. After reading a part of the 18th chapter of Matthew and commenting there upon, as is the custom of the Brethren, repaired to the water, closed at hand, and thirteen precious souls were immersed and brought into the church militant, seemingly rejoicing in the God of their salvation. Oh, how solemn and impressive is the ordinance of Christian baptism! On the Sabbath we had meeting at Levi Holsinger’s house. Bro. Ives spoke from 2 Peter 1:4; and brother closed with a hearty exhortation, and gave an invitation for applicants to manifest their desire to unite with the church. Had four applicants for baptism on the morrow. On Monday we met t brother Wesley Teeter’s, at 10 o’clock, and as the weather was quite raw and cold, the brethren thought it best so t arrange it as to detain the applicants at the water as short a time as possible. But we rejoiced with exceeding great joy that instead of four there were six added unto the church by baptism. We next met at the house of S. R. Holsinger, at 2 o’clock p. m., for social worship. Brother Forney entertained us very profitably by speaking of the brightness and glory that shall be revealed to those who hold out faithful in the Christian pilgrimage until the end. We had a joyful meeting, being all bound together by the bonds of love and Christian fellowship. To day the treasury of heaven was opened and a copious rain fell upon the earth to moisten and fructify the soil, for which we have great cause to think God, who sends “the early and latter rain.” As the rain continued to fall, we had no meeting on the evening of the 6th. On the 7th at 10 a. m., we met at Mrs. Keeler’s house, to administer baptism to another young sister, who was willing to be buried with Christ in baptism, and so fulfill one God’s holy commands. May she ever hold out faithful and adorn her profession, is our prayer. On the evening of the 7th our dear brother preached his farewell sermon. Had good attention and good order. We felt sorrowful to part from our dear brother, but “Duty makes us understand That we must take the parting hand.” There were twenty members added to the church by baptism and others are fully persuaded that “the way of the transgressor is hard.” We now have thirty-two members in our congregation, in Filmore and Thayer counties, Nebraska. But we are as a flock of sheep without a shepherd; we have not preacher among us to instruct us in the way we should to. Notwithstanding this, we are resolved to make progress in the divine life. Brethren and sisters pray for out little church, that we may grow in grace and true holiness. Although we have had but little preaching by the brethren for the last three years, we had had effectual preaching. Yes, brethren and sisters, the Companion and Visitor has been preaching in about every family represented in our congregation. May the Lord continue to bless you labors, and may your good paper be instrumental in doing much good in ad vocation the true principles of Christianity as taught by our Savior. S. R. Holsinger. Carleton, Neb.
The Gospel Messenger April 16, 1898 page 253 Bethel. – Our quarterly council convened April 2. We decided to have our love feast June 4, at 2 P. M. our house of worship will be dedicated next day at 11 A. M. - J. O. Saylor, Carleton, Nebr., April 9.
The Gospel Messenger March 4, 1899 page 140 Vol. 37 No. 9 Carleton. – We met in special council Jan. 21. Eld. Urias Shick was present. Bro. D. H. Forney was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. Brethren U. C. Miller and Joel H. Yoder were elected and installed to the deacon’s office, Bro. Shick officiating. – J. O. Saylor, Feb. 18.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 26, 1921 page 741 Bethel . – Nov. 6 the Bethel church enjoyed special services. A new church is being constructed and in connection with the corner-stone laying, a memorial service was held in the old church – the last service before taking down the old structure. (more to the article) |