Bell Creek Church (1868-86?)
Christian Family Companion Nov. 10, 1868 page 482 Vol. Vol. IV No. 44 Fontenelle, Neb. October, 1868 Brethren Henry: - As I have promised some of our brethren and friends to write through the Companion, I will now do so. I came here on the 1st of last February with my family, and found two members here in this County, and two in Sarpy County, about forty miles from here. In April brother and sister Artz came here. Bro. S. A. Moore came here last Spring and labored with us a short season, during which time he baptized one. At this time there are seven members in this County. in Dodge (an adjoining) County, there has lived a sister about eight years; last Spring five members move in to Dodge Co. this fall two members moved into Sanders County, which joins Dodge on the south. – In all the above mentioned place the brethren and friends do earnestly desire preaching; But not a ministering brother in the State. The Savvier said “The Harvest is great, but the laborers are few,” but in this the laborers are few. Brethren pray the Lord that He may send laborers into this arm of His Vineyard. We had a lovefeast here on the 11th of October. We and six members with us, on the occasion, from Iowa. – Elder John Murray, brother Fulk and companion, brother Snider and companion, and brother J. P. Moomaw. Elder Murray and brother Fulk were our ministers. – We were organized as a church at the time of our love-feast. Brother Daniel Artz was elected Deacon. – We expect brother Shuck here from Iowa to preach for us. he will shortly move to Nebraska. We received a donation for our love-feast from the following brethren, in the East: brother S. A. Moore $4.00; sister Catharine Moore $1.00; brother J. B. Dilling 75cts.; brother George Clapper 35cts. – We feel truly thankful for their kindness, and pray the Lord he may reward them for their charity. This may seem somewhat strange to some of our readers, that we received a donation in this country, which is so much recommended as a good country. They perhaps forget that when we came here, we were destitute of almost every thing necessary to make a living; and had they been here when brother S. A. Moore was with us last spring, they would not think so strange of it. – The land that I bought had no improvements on it, save five acres broke. I went to work in good faith, dug a well, built a small house, rented some land and went to farming. Our crops did well; and since we were in this State the Lord has blessed us with good health. I can truly say I am well please with this country. We have a healthy climate, good water, a rich soil, which produces well. - Come brethren and sisters and help us to enlarge the Kingdom of Christ, and preach to the people with your pure words and godly actions, for such actions speak louder than words. Brethren remember us in your prayers that we may hold out a few more days, that we may enjoy the rest that God has prepared for them that love and serve him. Remaining your weak brother in Christ. D. O. Brumbaugh.
Christian Family Companion Sept. 27, 1869 page 586 Vol. V No. 38 Lovefeast in Washington County, Nebraska. According to previous arrangements our Lovefeast was held the 11th and 12th inst. We had a very edifying and encouraging meeting. There were 19 members that surrounded the table of the Lord to partake of the sacred emblems of his broken body and shed blood. Brother John Murray, of Marshall county, Iowa, was with us and labored very zealously in the cause of our blessed Redeemer, “who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” The following words were used as a text for some very appropriate remarks on Lord’s day: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that halt called us to glory an virtue.” 2 Peter 1: 3. Good attention was given to the preaching. On account of rain but few”; pray yet therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. The Lord in answer to our prayers id send brother Jacob P. Moomaw, as a laborer in the great harvest field. May the Lord enable him to be faithful in his calling. S. A. Honberger
Christian Family Companion July 6, 1869 page 411 Vol. V No. 27 Dear Companion; As you have not heard from some time from the little band of brethren and sisters scattered over Washington, Dodge, Sanuders, and Sarpy counties Nebraska, I feel like giving you a few items of Church news, which is always encouraging to the poor pilgrim who is traveling through the wilderness of this world inquest of the Golden City. At present there are between 25 and 30 members here, among them one speaker and two deacons. The 22nd of May was set apart to have Council Meeting. generally speaking business passed of pleasantly, and we hope to the edification of all present. On the following Lord’s day we had preaching. After meeting, we were again called together at the house of Brother Barnet Trimmer, where the Brethren and Sisters were informed that sister Susan Hoff companion of brother Hiram Hoff, was desirous of again coming into the fold of Christ. She had been expelled some years ago by the Brethren in Virginia. This was truly a serious yet joyful occasion; never did we see the tears of joy flow so freely as on this occasion. “Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh.” The Brethren and Sisters in Virginia no doubt will feel rejoiced to hear of her return. Jesus tells us that “whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken.” O who can conceive the power of God’s word operating on the sinner’s heart. This power moved so forcibly on our sister that it brought her down upon her knees in prayer to God in the midst of the members assembled to receive her again into fellowship We expect to have a Communion meeting between the fires and middle of September. Brethren and Sisters expecting to travel west this fall are invited to be with us, particularly Ministering Brethren. Further notice will be given. We want the laborers to consider our condition, scattered over four counties, only one speaker and he in limited circumstances, large family to support. Who will come over into Macedonia and help us? S. A. Honberger. Fontenelle, Neb.