Beaver Creek Church ( 1877-1911)
Brethren at Work July 16, 1877 page 3 Vol. II No. 29 From Carleton, Neb, - Bro. Moore: - Our Love-feast is now past. We had several ministers with us from a distance; had fine weather and good attention from the audience. We truly had a feast of fat things. We also changed from the double to the single mode of feet-washing. Three precious souls made the good confession, and were baptized just previous to the feast. The York county brethren, (about 18 members) were separated from this arm of the church into an organization of their own; they also elected two of their number for deacons. Bro. they have no resident minister. Who will go and live there, and preach for them. Their neighbors are starving for the bread of life. We also elected one minister and one deacon in this arm of the church. – They were all installed to-day. May God enable them to prove faithful till death in their important calling, is the prayer of your unworthy brother in Christ. Levi Hofferd. June 17th.
Brethren at Work Sept. 24, 1877 page 4 Vol. II No. 39 The brethren of the Beaver Creek church, York Co., Neb., intend to hold their Love-feast September 29 and 30. A general invitation extended to the brethren and sisters. S. H. Kingery
Primitive Christian & Pilgrim Oct. 2, 1877 page 612 Vol. 1 No. 29 From Beaver Creek Church. Dear Brethren Editors:- We have a church organized here composed eighteen members and two deacons. We organized last June and made choice of two deacons, and the lot fell on brethren Martin Funk and Thomas Bassett. We have no speaker yet here. Have preaching every four weeks by ministers from abroad. Our little band here would like to have speakers move in as there is a great opening here, and we think there could be a great deal of good done, if we would all go to work in good earnest. This is a good country and healthy. Land is cheap, both raw and improved. Crops age generally good. Sometimes the hoppers injure the corn. They did no particular harm in this part this year. I would say to the brethren and sisters that we intend, the Lord willing, to hold our first lovefeast on the 29th and 30th of September. It will be held not far from Beaver Creek Bridge, one mile and a half from the residence of Samuel H. Kingery, six miles west of York. We invite all to come that can, especially ministers. S. H. Kingery. York, York Co., Pa. (note: this should have said NE not PA)
Brethren at Work May 16, 1878 page 8 Vol. III No. 20 From Bethel Church, Neb. – The Brethren of the Bethel church held their quarterly council, March 16th. Found the church in love and union. Elected two delegates to the District Meeting, to be held at Beatrice Gage Co. On Saturday following Bro. Thomas VanBuren and myself went to York Co., to hold a few meeting, but on account of their not receiving the intelligence of our coming, no appointments were made for us. – However we had meeting Sunday afternoon at one o’clock and also at five. Had council at half past 7 o’clock, P. M. Found all the members in harmony. The church in York Co., is known as the Beaver Creek church. There are seventeen or eighteen members living here, with an imperfect organization; have no speakers, have two deacons, one of which has sold out lately, and will thus leave them with but one deacon. I would say to any ministering brother who contemplates coming West, that he would do well to visit York Co. – the church is much in need of a minister and the members much desire it. True, the speakers of Bethel church visit them once in a month, but sometimes not so often. J. E. Bryant
Primitive Christian., July 4, 1882 Vol. XX, No. 27, From Utica, Nebraska. Dear Primitive: Our communion meeting was held on the 24th of June, commencing in the forenoon. Quite a number of brethren from other congregations were present. At the close of the afternoon service we had five applicants for baptism was struck by the falling of center posts. The tent was soon put up again and all moved along harmoniously. After morning exercises the meeting was called to order. A choice for speaker and deacon was held. The first fell upon brother Peter Forney, the second upon Bro. Wm. Zern. One year ago Bro. Wm. with his younger brother and sister united with the church. Although young in years he is truly a model brother and one of whom none of us need be ashamed. His examples are worthy of imitation. May the Lord assist him in performing the duties devolving upon him. Bro. Jacob Zern, father of brother William, was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. He too is a dear, good brother, always willing to do what the Lord requires of him. This is manifested by his walk and conversation at home in the family circle as well as abroad. May those dear brethren who have their new mission assigned them perform their duty bravely, fearlessly, and in the end when they are called to leave this stage of action may they hear the welcome plaudit, come up higher thou good and faithful servant, and last, but not least, may we all so live that we may meet one another in a world where nothing is known but peace and love, and there see those that already have crossed over, seated around the bright throne with stars in their crowns, as rewards for their labors while here upon earth is our prayer. Alfred Clapper.