Beatrice Church (1889-1981)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 3, 1889 page 764 From Beatrice, Nebr. At the September council-meeting of the North Beatrice church, we agreed to make the city a separate organization and the boundary lines were located. Subsequently it was decided to meet for final organization on Thursday Nov. 14, at the church in Beatrice, at which time there were present Eld. Hop, of Herington, Kans., Eld. J. S. Mohler, of Morrill, Kans, elders Shick and Peters, of South Beatrice, and Bro. Dell, a minister of South Beatrice. The church was well represented. The work was done in harmony with the usages of our Brotherhood. The officers elected are: Minister, Bro. Joseph Boomer, who is a promising young brother of eighteen years; deacons, brethren Frank Shrove and Melvin Coughman. The ministers from abroad were pleased with the growth and condition of the church in Beatrice. The remark was made, “When we consider the material from which the church is built, - some from the Methodist, some from the Congregational, some from the Christian church, and most from no church at all, and not being acquainted with the doctrine of the church, we must say, You have done remarkably well. There is no doubt as to the future of the church in Beatrice if they have a good shepherd to care for them, which we fell they have, in the selection of Eld. Urias Shick.” Eld. J. S. Mohler preached for us, recently, for two weeks. The meetings were well attended and Bro. Mohler presented the Word with power and demonstration. It seemed to be a seed-time, however, and not a harvest. While there were no immediate accessions to the church. We think the meetings were productive of as much good as last winter, when the Lord gave us a bountiful harvest. If Satan is not allowed to destroy the seed, the harvest time will come. J. E. Young.