Afton Church (1901-59?)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 26, 1901 page 60 Vol. 39 No. 4 Cambridge The neat little church, 28 x 40 feet, twelve miles north of Cambridge, was dedicated Jan. 6. The house was well filled with eager listeners. The meeting is continuing with marked effect in more than one way. The people are dedicating their hearts and lives to God's service more and more. Though mercury registers ten below zero at times, the congregations are good. Some are much excited because the little body of believers here, with their loving leader, Bro. George Mishler, are holding the gospel light so high that they can see from a distance. For once in our life if the "Lord will," we want to stay till most can say we closed the meeting too soon. Even if it takes all winter.— J. E. Young, Jan. 16.
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 21, 1901 page 605 Vol. 39 No. 38 Highland. – We recently met in church council with Eld. C. Fitz presiding. Eld. S. M. Forney, of Kearney, Secretary of the Mission Board was present and assisted in the meeting. Among the business was the dividing of our church territory, which was done by mutual consent of the members of the church. The north part of the church retained the name Highland; the sought part is now called Afton. In referring to our church near Cambridge, it will be known as the Afton congregation. Next business of meeting was the completion of the organization by the election of one minister and two deacons, etc. Bro. Levi Snell was elected to the ministry and brethren Jacob S. Gripe and B. F. Cordier to the deacon’s office. This leaves the Afton congregation with eighteen members and a union Sunday school, at which the average attendance last quarter was seventy-five. – George Mishler, Cambridge, Nebr. Sept.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 30, 1901 page 765 Vol. 39 No. 48 Afton church met in quarterly council Nov. 16. Elder C. Fitz and C. B. Smith were with us. Bro. Fitz presided. Bro. George Mishler was ordained to the eldership and Bro. Levi Snell was advanced to the second degree of the ministry. Saturday evening. Sunday morning and Sunday evening services were conducted by the visiting brethren. – Anna M. Snell, Cambridge, Nebr,, Nov. 18.