Whitesville Church (1866-1908?)
Christian Family Companion Jan. 8, 1867 page 21 Vol. III No. 2 Brother Holsinger; We, the brethren met on the 2nd day of October, 1866, and organized a church in Andrew Co., Mo., which we call the Whitesville branch. – Brothers Daniel Glick and Joseph Bashor were chosen to the ministry, and Martin Bashor, and Samuel Stoner to the office of Deacon. We extend a hearty invitation to all the brethren traveling through this country to stop and gave us a call. – those coming by rail road will stop at St. Joseph, and there take the Rochester road, and thence to Union Star, twenty miles from St Joseph, and then inquire for the writer; or they can go to Savannah, and thence to Whitesville, twelve miles from Savannah, and there inquired bro. brother Joseph Bashor; he lives in Whitesville, On the 22nd of November last brother David Brower and John Thomas, from Iowa, paid us a visit, and had evening meeting at the Empire school-house. On the 23re, at 2 o’clock, P. M., they preached the funeral of my son and his wife, who died in Omaha, N. T., one year ago. Good attention paid to the preaching. On the 3rd of Dec. they had evening meeting at my house, and on 4th also; 3 added to the Church by baptism; evening meeting at schoolhouse. 5th, Had meeting at my house again, and 4 added by baptism; evening meeting at school-house. 6th, Meeting at my house, one added by baptism. Had very good attention at all these meetings, more so than I ever have seem; for nearly all the bystanders knelt down when prayer was made by the water-side. The brethren spoke with much power of the spirit. It seemed as though there were many more pierced to the heart, and were almost ready to say: “men and Brethren what must we do to be saved?” and I believe the good Lord was with us during all these meetings, and we give God the praises for all that was cone here, “for in him we live move, and have our continuing being, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of every good work.” On Friday morning the brethren took leave for home, and O, it was a solemn parting, to part with those you so dearly love. Samuel T. Miller. Union Star, Mo. |