White Cloud Church (1878-87)
Brethren at Work June 6, 1878 page 7 Vol. III No. 23 From Northern Missouri Dear Brethren: - By request of the Brethren of Northern District of Mo., I will give you a sketch of church news, as the working of the Lord revealed itself in the different places while I was with them. I met with the brethren on the 11th of May, at the house of Bro. Michael Mowry, Southwest end of Nodaway Co., Mo., in church council, with elder D. D. Sell from Clinton Co., and a number of other brethren and sister from other districts. It was unanimously agreed to organize a new church here, called the White Cloud Branch. The following officers were chosen: George Shamberger to the first degree of ministry; C. M. Mowry and David Keller to the deaconship. Samuel Honberber was ordained to the full ministry. He the Brethren also had agreed to hold Love-feast; hand arranged a beautiful tent, 28 by 40 feet. Preaching evening before by Bro. D. D. Sell, and others. Love-feast services took place in regular order and time in the evening, and was the first meeting of that kind in Nodaway Co. it was largely, and by all appearance solemnly attended by spectators. – Considering the cool rainy weather during the services, the attendance was larger than could be expected. All seemed to enjoy God’s blessings. Meeting next day and night, lasting until Wednesday evening. Bro. Sell and I then went to the northeast end of same Co. Meeting on the night of the 14th. The next day met in council with the members, ten in number, at the house of Wm. H. Clark. Here we also agreed in union, to make a partial organization, called the Honey Creek church. Held a choice, the lot fell on Bro. Wm. H. Clark for minister and Elijah Redich, deacon. Wm. B. Sell of Harrison Co. was chosen as their overseer. Meeting that night with two applicants for baptism, which were attended to next morning. This makes their number twelve. On the morning of the 16th, after baptism, D. D. Sell and I, in company with Bro. Clark, Redich and Davis went to Harrison Co., to the place of District Meeting. Met with the Brethren that night from the various districts of Northern Mo., at the Long Branch schoolhouse, this being Wm. B. Sell’s district. We met at a rather late hour. Meeting had already commenced, when we entered the house. Bro. Harrison Palmer from the Somerset church, Mercer Co., addressed us with strong appeals on Heb. 2, and why we should not let slip what we hear. On the morning of the 17th, at 9 A. M. met again at the same school-house with the delegates of the eleven districts out of thirteen, composing the Northern District of Mo. With some of them we never met before. The morning services were opened in order by singing and prayer. The meeting organized by the appointment of the following officers: D. D. Sell, Reading Clerk; C. C. Root, Writing Clerk. All the business was transacted pleasantly and in the fear of God to the satisfaction of all. No query was left for the A. M. to settle. The last was the home mission for Northern Mo., for which the meeting chose a committee of five to get up the best plan in their wisdom, and present it next day to the meeting of all the delegates for approval or rejection. The meeting then closed at 5 P. M. Preaching again at night, by the writer, followed by D. Sell. Met again next morning at 9 A. M. the committee unanimously agreed to send two evangelists as much of the time, as the committee of three brethren as directors, in consultation with the evangelists may determine to be advisable in preaching the Gospel, in places where the brethren have not preached, in languishing churches and among isolated members; the said directors to determine the actual expresses to be paid, by a chosen treasurer, out of the common contributions of the united district. According to appointment, the above plan was presented to the meeting, and unanimously adopted, the brethren, Wm. B. Sell, and C. C. Root were chosen evangelists. Bro. David Bowman, Hardin, Ray Co., Mo., P. e. Whitmer, Craig, Holt Co., Mo.; J. E. Bosserman, Polo, Caldwell Co., Mo.; as Directors, J. R. Ellenberger, Turney, Clinton Co., Mo., Treasurer. The District Meeting of Northern Mo., closed its business by electing David D. Sell delegate for the Standing Committee of A. M. To the brotherhood at large I would recommend this meeting as being worthy of copying after, in regard to settling all their business at home, as well as the great responsibility and interest felt and manifested by it as a whole, for the spreading of the Gospel; not only by home mission, but also the spirit of love and sympathy expressed for missionary labors generally. The meeting was followed by a pleasant Communion season on Saturday night, the 18th also meeting next day at 10 A. M. This closed the happy meetings with our dear brethren in Harrison Co., Mo. The parting scenes were solemn, more so because I was a yoke-fellow with Northern District of Mo., for several years. As this will be my last trip to Missouri to serve them as elder over those districts, namely Bethel church, Holt Co., and Whitesville church, Andrew Co., with the members of the two districts now organized in Nodaway co., and the little flock in the Grand River, Gentry Co., with whom I have formerly labored. – I would say that I feel a deep interest in your spiritual welfare. I often remember you all in my prayers, and I know you do the same. It was hard to part from you, my dear brethren and sisters, and I cannot close without tendering you my heart-felt thanks and best wishers for you kind treatment and brotherly respect shown me, whilst among you. I commend you to the grace of God and the word of His power. May the Holy Spirit keep us in the same, is my prayer. We also had one meeting Sunday afternoon, South-east of Martinsville, in friend Funk’s neighborhood. Bro. D. Glick left an appointment for us, when he went to D. M., in what they call a union house. Bro. D. Sell and I address the meeting. had the best of attention. Thence to Whitesville church, in company of D. Glick, and E. Orr. On Monday the 20th meeting at night; also Tuesday night. Gave them my farewell, with another appointment for brother Orr to fill on Wednesday eve. I came home on the evening of the 23rd. My address will be after the first of June, Abilene, Dickenson Co., Kansas. John Forney, Sen. Falls City, Neb. |