Sandy Creek Church (1884 - 10?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 3. 1884 page 742 Left home on morning of Oct. 23rd, and tarried with Brother Joseph B. Sell that night, who has the temporary oversight of the Cameron congregation, and reports things rather slack for the want of more of the spirit of co-operation which affords a poor minister, who has no conveyance, the means of conveyance. He must walk to his appointments, or hire a horse out of his day’s wages, and support a family out of the remainder. He, however, proposed to buy and keep a horse if the members will agree to furnish the feed and then he will keep up regular meetings. This, I trust, his Brethren will accept. On the morning of the 24th, I was met at the Union depot, at Cameron, by brother J. E. Ellenberger to accompany me to Mercer Co., a distance of eighty miles. Here we met in council with the members that could be present on Saturday, the 25th for the purpose of organizing. Among the members collected were the following official brethren: Jacob Bushing, Goshen, Mercer Co., Mo.,; Joseph Wray, Mt. Moriah, Harrison Co, Mo., deacons; brother Wm. Whitestine, Modena, Mercer Co., Mo., minister. He was, at this meeting, advance to the second degree of the ministry. The brethren here name this the Sandy Creek congregation. Our district clerk will please note this. I would say to brethren trailing on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R, you would do the Master’s cause a favor to notify brother Bushong to meet you at Princeton, and stop off and preach for them. For the encouragement of ministering brethren to visit us here, I will state that the Disciple church freely granted us the privilege of holding our meetings in their house of worship. On the evening of the 28th, we held the first love-feast in the Sandy Creek congregation in this house. The whole congregation perhaps, of the Disciple percussion was present to witness what many of them had never seen before. I reached home on the evening of the 29th, and found all well and in the full enjoyment of the answer to our many prayers for them while absent. May the same answer rest upon those who so kindly care for me. C. C. Root.