Rockingham Church (1897 - )
The Gospel Messenger April 17, 1897 page 253 Vol. 35 No. 16Rockingham. – The Wacanda church met in special council April 3, with elders D. D. Sell and D. M. Mohler present. The latter presiding. At this meeting the Wacanda church divided its territory into three different congregation, viz. The north part, the “Pleasant View.” Church, with about one hundred members, Bro. Geo. Clemens, elder; the south part, the “Rockingham” church, with about one hundred and sixty members. Bro. S. B. Shirk, elder, the west part, the “Wacanda” church, with about seventy-five members, yet unorganized. It was further decided that our old church book, with all other church papers, be put way fro reference for the different congregations. The work done seemed satisfactory to all present and, we hope, will be for the best. A love feast will be held at the Rockingham church, May 15, for all of the members of the old Wacanda church. – J. H. Shirkey, April 5.