Osborne Church (1876 - ?)
The Primitive Christian Feb. 29, 1876, , p. 141 Vol. I, No. 9 A Letter from Mo. Dear Brother: - I have a few words to say through the Pilgrim to all who it may concern. The brethren around Osborne Decalb County, Mo., made a request to organization there are two ministers and some members live there, and they had their membership with the Hamilton church Caldwell Co. their request was granted, and a meeting called on the 5th of Feb. to attend to their wants. Ministers and deacons from several congregations were invited to attend the meeting. Six ministers and a number of others were represented at the house of brother Peter Oaks. The ministers present were, Samuel Blougher, Peter Oaks of Decalb Co.,; Samuel A. Honberger, of Davies Co., C. L. Hobbs, D. B. Gibson, and D. D. Sell, from Clinton Co. the meeting was called to order, and after a season of devotional exercise, the last named was called upon to preside over the meeting as foreman, and B. D. Gibson, clerk. After considerable deliberation the meeting thought proper to go on with the organization as the little band seemed to be in earnest about the matter and manifested a great degree of zeal for its welfare. They called one of their number to the office of Deacon, namely Isaac Crowait, who was enstalled into his office. They called their church the Osborne church. Their ministers are, Samuel Blougher and Peter Oaks. Their Address is Osborne Decalb Co., Mo. This is a very nice little town on the Hanibal and S. Joseph Rail Road, about 30 miles east of the last named place. Good land, mostly prairie, and can be bought at low prices. Ministering brethren should note this when they pass over this road and call on brother Peter who lives in town, and will gladly welcome you to his home and give you some labor by way of preaching to his neighbors. Brethren remember this point when you come west. The meeting closed in good order and with the best of feeling, and we returned home to Clinton Co. where we had a meeting appointed, to continue one week at nights only. Brother Samuel Honberger went with us and preached with much zeal and warmth and by the help of the home ministry, the meetings were carried on. Much interest was manifested by all in and out of the church. During the meeting there were ten made willing to say I am going to follow Jesus in the way. All young in years. They took the advice of the wise King of Israel “Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, lest the evil day come not, or the year draw nigh when they would have to say, I have no pleasure in them.” May the impressions left on others be kept there, by the prayers of the church, till many more bleating lambs desiring to enter. There is room. Come. Daniel D. Sell. |