North Saint Joseph Church (1905-?) (1912-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 9, 1905 page 784 Vol. 44 No. 49 A new church has been organized in North St. Joseph. Mo. A few years ago there were less than thirty members in the entire city. Now we have two congregations, the older one having a good house of worship, while the new congregation is planning for a building.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 16, 1905 page 796 Vol. 44 No. 50 A NEW ORGANIZATION IN NORTH ST. JOSEPH, MO. BY M. R. MURRAY. We have organized a new church and call it the North St. Joseph congregation. About two years ago there was no church or meetinghouse in this large city, and only about seventeen members Today we have a large number and the church is still growing, and this city is full of precious souls looking for a church which holds up the pure and unadulterated Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We feel very much encouraged in our efforts put forth here and feel that inspiration that the apostle Paul felt of "pressing onward to the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus." At our regular council meeting, Nov. 11 it was decided to organize another church in North St Joseph, where a mission has been in progress for the past two years. The work has become so extensive that we feel we need a church in this part of our large city. We have that implicit faith that if we will make our wants known, we will get it. The new edifice in the south part of our city is now completed and ,s without a cent of indebtedness. You have so liberally given to the brethren and sisters and all a very comfortable church home in South St. Joseph the work is going along very nicely and we trust the good Lord will continue his blessings in that part of his moral vineyard. This is a great field for lie Lords work. "The harvest truly is ripe, but the reapers are few." The following officers were elected at our organization last Monday evening, Nov. 27: Bro J E Shamberger of Sheridan, Mo., elder; Sister Stouffer treasurer; Bro. Zimmerman church clerk; the writer correspondent. At our regular council meeting other organizations will be elected, etc. All donations sent in should state for what purpose they are intended, and, if sent to the north congregation, address all communications to Mrs. Mary C. Stouffer, No. 616 S. 11th St., which will receive prompt attention and an immediate acknowledgment. We find that there are many families in need of clothing, and while visiting a few families this morning I found two families who were desirous of sending their children, but on account of not having a sufficient amount of clothing were unable to send them. We fitted them out the best we could and will have fourteen new pupils in our Sunday school next Lord's Day. We find man}' homes just like these We shall be glad to have all who can send us old clothing, canned fruits, vegetables and money, to send them while the call is so great. We make this appeal especially to the Sisters' Aid Societies, Sunday-school superintendents and Christian Workers. Yesterday we had Thanksgiving services in the courthouse (north mission) and had a very interesting service indeed. The little ones all seemed to have a little poem or song of praise to give as their offering and thanks for the Lord. I read to the children the story written to the Inglenobk by Adah Baker, Nov. 28, "Bud's Thanksgiving," and one aged brother asked if there were any " Buds " there that day and sure enough there were. There were three little tots One sister brought a large market basket full of sweet potatoes, a dressed chicken,. one pound of creamery butter and other things, which made a nice little donation for these little "Buds." After our service I accompanied the children to their little, uncomfortable home and found, to my surprise, no dinner prepared the children eating a piece of bread and butter and some cookies. The room was not cozy and warm as our homes are, but just the opposite. I presented the basket of provisions to the sorrow-stricken mother whose husband is in the hospital, and she seemed to be so thankful for the dinner which she said she would now give her children. They are very poor indeed and hundreds of such families exist to-day in our large cities. "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." St. Joseph, Mo.
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 23, 1912 p 748 Vol. 61 No. 47 NORTHERN MISSOURI The District Sunday-school Meeting of Northern Missouri met in Holt County, at the Squaw Creek house, Oct, 23. Six schools were represented by eleven delegates. Bro. E. G. Rodahaugh was chosen Moderator and Sister Lucy Mason, Clerk. The program, as printed, was followed, and many helpful thoughts were offered. The Christian Workers used the evening hour, discussing live topics pertaining to their work. They were not lacking in zeal or enthusiasm. On Thursday the Ministerial Meeting was organized, after devotional exercises, by choosing Bro. M. E. Stair, Moderator, and G. W. Ellenberger, Clerk. The absence of many of our ministers was quite noticeable, but those present are certainly better prepared for their responsible duties. An offering of something over $24 was collected for District Missions. At 9 A. M. on Friday, the District Meeting was called to order by the retiring officers. Seven churches were represented by four sisters and eight brethren. Bro. G. W. Ellenberger was chosen Moderator, M. E. Stair, Writing Clerk, and E. G. Rodabaugh, Reading Clerk. The meeting was then opened by Scripture reading and prayer. North Saint Joseph petitioned to be recognized as an organized church. Their request was granted. Some changes in the rules were made which, we believe, will be for the better. Bro. B. F. Shirk was chosen District Sunday-school Secretary, in place of Bro. E. Mohler, resigned. As District Missionary Secretary, Bro. M. E. Stair was reelected. Bro. Frank Van Pelt was chosen a member of the District Mission Board. Bro. S. B. Shirky was chosen to represent our District on Standing Committee, with Bro. M. E. Stair, alternate. Considerable business came before the meeting, but a kind, Christian spirit was manifested throughout. One influence of the meeting was that some resolved not to miss another District Meeting. The Lord willing the next District Meeting will be held next October, near Plattsburg. in the Smith Fork congregation. Polo, Mo., Nov. 5. M. E. Stair, Writing Clerk. |