Mount Hermon Church (Oak Forest) (1904 - )
The Gospel Messenger April 9, 1904 page 236 Oak Forest. – The Brethren and sisters met at this place March 29, for the purpose of organizing a church. Elders R. W. Dove and J. B. Hylton were present. The voice of the church was heard and the following officers were elected: Secretary and correspondent, Elta Duncan; preacher, Noah Duncan; deacon, Luther Duncan. Noah Duncan was elected delegate to Annual Meeting. Bro. F. W. Dove was elected elder, with J. B. Hylton assistant. We have about twenty-four members. One of our members, L. C. Akers, was anointed March 28 by the above elders. There is a good field open for the Brethren and we want to establish a good church here. – Elta Duncan, Norwood, Mo., April 2.