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Mound Church
Christian Family Companion
Aug. 31, 1869 page 523
Brother Holsinger: By request of Brother
John Kniseley, I write to inform the Brotherhood generally, that the little band
of Brethren organized last Spring, under the name of Mound Church, design to
hold their first love feast on the 18th and 19th of September next. A general
invitation to brethren, especially laboring Brethren. We are 25 miles from the
Pacific Rail Road. (Pleasant Hill.)
If Brethren from a distance wish to visit us by Rail Road it will be necessary
to inform brother Kniseley previous to the time of they wish conveyance from the
Rail road to place of Meeting. C. P. Mundell,
Hill, Mo.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 17, 1889 page
793 Vol. 27 No. 50
Bro. Andrew Hutchison writes,
under date of the 11th inst., as follows: “Yon may say to your readers that I am
still quite hopeful that I shall be permitted to work for the Lord a little
while longer. I have just returned from the Mound church, which is in Bates
County, Mo. their new meeting-house, which has recently been built, is located
in the town of Adrian; 30x40 feet in the size of the house. It is plain, neat,
and well-built edifice, well suited to the purpose of which it was erected. It
was dedicated to the Lord, Dec. 8, and it seating capacity was well nigh filled
with an attentive class of listeners. The Brethren at that place certainly
deserve credit for their work and prudence.
The Gospel Messenger July 17, 1897
page 462
From the Mound Church, Mo.
This church met in quarterly council July
3. Bro. E. E. John and J. E. Mohler, of Leeton, Mo., were present with us. Bro
E. E. John was been our elder for some time and has been faithful in the
discharge of this duty, but on account of his resignation, Eld. G. W. Lentz was
chosen in his stead.
Bro. Ira Witmore was advanced to the
second degree of the ministry. Two deacons were chosen, and the lot fell on
brethren C. Christenson and F Enos. There was a solicitor appointed to solicit
funds for the poor in India and Asia. A committee was also appointed for mission
work in our own vicinity. The church at this place seems to be growing very much
spiritually. We feel the need of more work being done by every one.
We expect Bro. A Hutchison, of
McPherson, Kans., to begin a series of meetings at this place, Sept. 4, and
continue two of three weeks. Our love feast will be Sept. 24. Cora M. Lentz.
Adrian, Mo.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 29, 1917
page 837
Happy Hill mission met in council Dec. 15,
with Bro. Jesse D. Mohler, of Warrensburg, presiding. We organized a separate
congregation, known as the Happy Hill congregation. We were formerly a mission
of the Mound church at Adrian, Mo., Eld. G. W Lentz, who moved into our midst
from Kansas City, a short time ago, was chosen elder. We are only twenty-one in
number but all seem to be in unity of spirit and willing to take
responsibility. Bro. J. S. Merkey was reelected as superintendent of the Sunday
school and Bro. Cal. Bashore as president of the Christian Workers. Bro. Mohler
gave us many valuable suggestions in regard to our rganization. He preached
twice on Sunday, Dec. 16, which was much appreciated. – Alice Lee, Rich Hill,
Mo., Dec. 17.