Monroe Church (1892-1910?) The Gospel Messenger March 3, 1891 page 140 Vol. 29 No. 9 Wayside Notes. According to previous arrangement, I met Feb. 7, with the members of the Novelty congregation, iu the Northern District of Missouri, at the house of Bro. Samuel White, in Monroe County, Mo. Here I met Bro. C. Lapp who has the oversight of this congregation; also his co-laborer C. Steffen. The business of the meeting passed off pleasantly, and as the Brethren in Monroe County are isolated about thirty-five or forty miles from the other members, we, by unanimous consent, organized them. This little band is called the Monroe congregation. They selected Bro, D, D. Sell for their housekeeper. Bro. A. Hutchison and Jacob Witmore have preached for them, and have worked up a good interest. While with them, I held six meetings with good interest. There are ten members living here. We visited most of them. We found sister Royer, companion of Bro. Jesse Royer, sick, but convalescent, and hope she will continue to improve. Brother and sister Royer will present their letter to the church, as soon as her health will admit of it. As far as I know, they have three deacons but no minister in this church. Here is a good opportunity for some good brother to locate. Land is cheap, considering the quality, ranging in price from $15 to $30 per acre. Prairie land, timber, coal, and mineral water may be had here in abundance. For further information address Samuel. White, Madison, Mo. S. B. Shirky. Rockingham, Mo., Feb. 19.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 1, 1891 page 742 Vol. 29 No. 47 My last was written from Madison, Monroe Co., Mo. I met with the brethren at the Mount Pleasant meeting-house, near Monroe, Oct. 17 where I preached two sermons. On Sunday evening I commenced a series of meetings at the Forest Grove Methodist meeting-house, north of Salt River. a new place for the Brethren. While at this place I made the acquaintance of many warm hearted friends, whom I visited, accompanied by Bro. Jesse Royer, with whom I made my home while I was there. On Saturday, Oct. 24, we met at the house of Bro. Jesse Royer, with ten members of what was once known as the Novelty church. They having obtained consent of the elders to do so, we organized them into a separate congregation. They chose for their elder the writer of this notice. Among them there are four deacons and their wives. All seem to be fall of zeal, and are earnest workers. I continued my work here until Sunday night, Nov. 1. Any minister who is an example for the hock is heartily invited to stop off and preach for these Brethren. Address Bro. Jesse Royer, Holiday, Mo , or Bro. Samuel White, Madison, Mo. On Monday, Nov. 2, we met at the house of Bro. Jesse Royer and organized a Bible class of fourteen members. Bro. Royer was chosen foreman of their meeting. In the evening we held a love-feast. Twelve members communed. Truly this was a feast indeed. H. W. Strickler. Loraine, III. |