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Leper Church
(Leper Prairie)
Primitive Christian April 10, 1877, page
Brother John J. Hoover of Buffalo, Dallas country, MO., Says: I wish to say
through your valuable paper that brother John Lair and the writer were called
upon by some brethren living in Green Co., Mo., fifteen miles northeast of
Springfield on Leaper Prairie, to met with then for purpose of organizing and
setting them in working order. We accordingly met on the 10th of present month
at the residence of brother and sister Frames for that purpose, and an
organization was effected. There being several deacons and but one speaker,
brother M. J. McClure in the second degree of the ministry, it was thought
prudent to call one to the ministry, and by consent of the church a choice was
held, and it fell on our beloved young brother M. A. Frame to assist in the
ministry. Then there was choice for a housekeeper, and the writer being most
convenient was chosen to take the oversight of the church which will be know as
the Leaper Prairie church. The Elders and minister of the southern district of
Missouri will please remember this little church in their travels and call with
them and preach and pray for and with them. We held several meetings while
there, and the interest manifested indicates that much good can be done. Let the
prayers of the brotherhood ascend in behalf of the brethren there as well as for
the brethren everywhere.