LaForge Church (Farrenburg) (1886-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 16, 1886 page 712 Vol. 24 No. 45 Brethren S. S. Mohler and J. R. Gish are in the mission field in Missouri and Arkansas. We quote the following from a letter just received from Bro. Mohler, under date of the 7th inst., from New Madrid Co., Mo.: “Have baptized eleven souls, with two more applicants, and prospects for several more. Love-feast on the 9th. Organized with nineteen members; two deacons chosen, Matthew Pfaff and Thomas Jenkins. The field is ripe and widening out into other counties, and we should have two evangelists located here for a year, at least. This is much good country here, and all that is needed to have churches throughout all these parts is work! Work!! Letter and private requests, calling us to come here and there, are before us and I hope the necessities to respond to the appeals from hungry souls, will be encouragingly met by increased contributions to the mission cause. Our next place to visit is Arkansas, while the calls here would require months of labor. How hard, indeed, it is to be obliged to say, ‘We cannot come now,’ and this leads us to wonder who will come to the help of the Lord to ‘rescue the perishing.’ “ And so the cry comes not only from this field, but many others, “Oh, for more laborers in the vineyard of the Lord!” from Dakota, from Oregon, from Idaho, from the Great West, from the Sunny South and from the East come the calls for help. Shall they be heeded? If we all do our duty, every call will be answered, and in a year we shall be seeking new fields of labor. May god help us to do our duty in this matter, and to do it now.
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 7, 1886 page 776 Vol. 24 No. 48 From the Southern Mission Field. We left our home Oct. 19th, according to previous arrangements; arrived at Cairo, Ill., on the morning of the 30th. Met Bro. S. S. Mohler, of Missouri, who was awaiting our arrival; also Bro. John Smith and wife, from Michigan. After fraternal greeting, we were soon making arrangements for moving forward. We took the transfer boat down the Ohio, and up the Mississippi Rive to Bird’s Point. There we took the St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas R. R., or Cotton Belt Route, to New Madrid Co., Mo. Stopped at Ferrenburg’s Switch; were met by the brethren and conveyed to the house of Bro. W. A. Ferrenburg, where we were kindly received. Commenced meeting the same evening (the 30th); closed on the evening of Nov. 10, with fourteen additions by baptism. Effected a partial organization of the church; had one council-meeting, followed by their love-feast. About twenty-five communed. They number about twenty-two, with, I think, good prospects for more. They much need a resident minister to care for the work, as they are all young in the church, and inexperienced. The prospects are good, if the work could be cared for and followed up. We will try and stop with them on our return. Jas. R. Gish
The Gospel Messenger March 8, 1887 page 152 Vol. 25 No. 10 Bro. S. A. Honberber, of Barnard, Mo., goes to New Madrid county, to take charge of the church recently organized at that place. May the Lord bless him in his new field of labor. His address will be La Forge, New Madrid Co., Mo. His correspondents will please make a note of this.
The Gospel Messenger May 17, 1887 page 316 Vol. 25 No. 20 Items from South-eastern Missouri. Since the New Testament gives us an account of many places where the apostolic missionaries labored, the extent and result of their work we, think it not out of place to inform the readers of the Messenger, that Bro. James R. Gish and wife, who have spent some time in mission work at Stuttgart, Ark., gave us a call on their way home. The people were quite busy at their farm work, but we had fair audiences, and we feel to praise the Lord for the result of meeting. One made the good confession. The applicant being blind, produced more than ordinary interest. No doubt many remember the strong appeals that Bro. Gish had made during the past winter in regard to, “Go ye.” He is in deep earnest, and if you cannot find a place where your service is needed, write to him, and he will find work for you. The site for our meeting-house is at Section5, or Ferrenburg Switch. We have our solicitor in the field, and we hope, by the blessing of God, to have the hewers of wood engaged in getting out the frame timber, on year from the time Bro. S. S. Mohler preached his first sermon in New Madrid Co. We say to the brethren and sisters, if you feel like having an interest in the first meetinghouse in South-east Missouri, send your donations to W. A. Ferrenburg, La Forge, New Madrid Co., Mo. All the preaching till yesterday has been at one point. We opened on the 1st day of May, at a new place, about five miles South-west from here near Ristine, on the line of St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railroad; we had a fair turn out. May the great harvest of the South be blessed with more laborers! After crops are planted, we purpose to hold a several series of meeting at different places. S. A. Honberger. May 2, 1887 |