Joplin Church (1909-25)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 9, 1909 page 652 Vol. 48 No.41 Joplin. - The members of this place met Aug. 15, at the churchhouse for the purpose of organizing. Bro. Barnhart of Carthage, Mo., was appointed moderator for the day and Bro. R. F. Bowman, secretary. Bro Bowman was chosen elder for one year. Brethren J. A. Virmillion and W. F. Sloan were elected deacons; Sister Bert Cook, treasurer; sister Estella Hoover, secretary. Brethren J. A. Virmillion, Milton Dorris, and Sister Estella Hoover were elected trustees. The church name is to be Joplin Church of the Brethren. We have seventeen members. – Estella Hoover, 301 St. Louis Ave., Joplin, Mo., Sept. 27.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 10, 1925 page 652 Vol. 74 No. 41 Carthage church met in regular quarterly business session Sept. 18, with Eld. Ira Witmore in charge. Church officers were elected for the coming year. Bro. Witmore was elected elder; Sister Margaret Moore, church clerk; Sister Bussard, " Messenger " agent and church correspondent. We were planning to hold a revival meeting, with Bro. W, T, Heckman, of Illinois, in charge, the first two weeks of October, but he was forced to change his plans so we had to defer the meeting for the present. The Joplin church having been disorganized six letters of membership were presented and accepted. Our love feast is set for Oct. 18. We are planning a Rally Day program for the 11th. We hope to renew the interest of some who have dropped out and enlist some more new scholars. A union revival is to be held in our city commencing Oct. 25, a number of the churches of the city uniting their efforts in a city wide campaign for lost souls.—Earl R. Myers, Carthage, Mo., Sept. 30-