Happy Hill Church (1917 - 48?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 29, 1917 page 837 Happy Hill mission met in council Dec. 15, with Bro. Jesse D. Mohler, of Warrensburg, presiding. We organized a separate congregation, known as the Happy Hill congregation. We were formerly a mission of the Mound church at Adrian, Mo., Eld. G. W Lentz, who moved into our midst from Kansas City, a short time ago, was chosen elder. We are only twenty-one in number but all seem to be in unity of spirit and willing to take responsibility. Bro. J. S. Merkey was reelected as superintendent of the Sunday school and Bro. Cal. Bashore as president of the Christian Workers. Bro. Mohler gave us many valuable suggestions in regard to our organization. He preached twice on Sunday, Dec. 16, which was much appreciated. – Alice Lee, Rich Hill, Mo., Dec. 17.