East Prairie Church (1897-1911)
The Gospel Messenger June 19, 1897 page 396 Vol. 1897 No. 26 Frontier Mission Work. – I left home May 11, to attend the District and Ministerial Meeting in Jasper Co., Mo. From the above meeting I went May 15, to Southeastern Missouri, to work in the James R. Gish mission points, the charge of which I have accepted. I met the Brethren of the Laforge church and held a number of meetings, on council-meeting and a love feast. Then I went with other brethren to Mississippi County, where we organized a church with fourteen members, and elected one minister. The lot fell on Bro. John Blackquell. There was one deacon there. The name of the church is East Prairie. Here I preach several times and held one feast with them. Then, with Bro. Ira P. Eby, I went to Poplar Burr, Mo., where we partially organized with twelve members, electing one deacon and naming the church Poplar Bluff. At these and other points, Bro. Ira P. Eby visited regularly, in thirteen days I preach fourteen sermons. I held three council-meetings, three love feast and organized two church. I traveled 1,400 miles by railroad, including my trip to District Meeting. – Henry Brubaker, June 9
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 24, 1906 page 25 Vol. 45 No. 8 DEDICATION SERVICES AT EAST PRAIRIE, MISSOURI. Sunday Feb. 11, was a day long looked for and long hoped for by the little band of members and interested friends of East Prairie, Mo. About two years ago an effort was made to build a churchhouse at that place The work was begun and the house (the hull) built and painted, but for want of funds had to be abandoned for the time. But untiring zeal and willing hands will always find a way or make one and, while the days of anxiety were passing, little by little help came to them and with much suspense and uncertainty the work of completion was begun about the middle of January. While the work was attended with more or less difficult, yet success seemed to meet every obstacle, until finally the climax was reached when the dedication was announced for Feb 11. When the hour arrived a neat little house, 30x40x14 feet, filled with eager listeners, was presented to the Lord for divine worship and to the people of the town and country as a place in which to dedicate themselves to the Lord. Eld. Ira P. Eby was the speaker for the occasion, and delivered a discourse that seemed to meet the approval of all, many of whom heard their first sermon from any of the Brethren. Now here is a waiting field,—a new house, good people without a minister, a good town, a good country rapidly developing. Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send a reaper unto this field. Who will come? A minister is badly needed at that place. A little indebtedness on the house still remains, the reader will take the hint, B. E. Kesler. Lcachville, Ark. |