Carthage Church (1893 - )
The Gospel Messenger May 23, 1893 page 331 Vol. 31 No. 21 From Carthage Church, Jasper Co., Mo . The Spring River church met in special council May 1, for the purpose of organizing the west half of the Spring River church into a new organization, for the convenience of both churches. Perfect harmony prevailed, and the work was done, we believe, to the entire satisfaction of all concerned, and in a Christian spirit. We have a very orderly church here. Some good admonitions were given by the elders present, which had their effect for good on all. We completed our organization by electing Bro. George Barnhart as our elder, and by electing a clerk and treasurer. The new organization was named the Carthage church. We start out with thirty members, one minister in second degree, and three deacons. About twenty of the members live in Carthage City. We have no house of worship, but we have the use of the Adventist church. They use it on Saturday, we on Sunday; so it does not interfere with their appointments. We also decided to have Sunday-school, and elected as Superintendent, Bro. Ard, George. We met the second Sunday in May, to complete the organization of our Sunday-school. N. Oren
The Gospel Messenger March 6, 1897 page 156From the Carthage Church, Mo. Feb. 18, the Carthage church met in quarterly council. All business passed off pleasantly some very important business came before the church. Bro. Christian Holderman, of the Spring River church, was with us. The church decided to call a brother to the office of deacon. The lot fell on Bro. Thomas Betebener, who was duly installed in a solemn and impressive manner. The writer was appointed as agent for the Messenger. This church was organized May 1, 1893, with a membership of thirty-five. Since that time twelve have been baptized, twenty-three received by letter, fourteen letters granted and six members disowned, leaving a membership of fifty at the present time. In all this time there has not been a death in this church. We should feel thankful to the Lord that he has been so merciful in sparing our lives. When we look around us in this beautiful city, and see how many are called away by death, we are made to wonder why the Lord has spared out lives, in preference to many that have gone way of all the earth. Noah Oren. Feb. 22.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 10, 1925 page 652 Vol. 74 No. 41 Carthage church met in regular quarterly business session Sept. 18, with Eld. Ira Witmore in charge. Church officers were elected for the coming year. Bro. Witmore was elected elder; Sister Margaret Moore, church clerk; Sister Bussard, " Messenger " agent and church correspondent. We were planning to hold a revival meeting, with Bro. W, T, Heckman, of Illinois, in charge, the first two weeks of October, but he was forced to change his plans so we had to defer the meeting for the present. The Joplin church having been disorganized six letters of membership were presented and accepted. Our love feast is set for Oct. 18. We are planning a Rally Day program for the 11th. We hope to renew the interest of some who have dropped out and enlist some more new scholars. A union revival is to be held in our city commencing Oct. 25, a number of the churches of the city uniting their efforts in a city wide campaign for lost souls.—Earl R. Myers, Carthage, Mo., Sept. 30-