Bryant Church (1890 - ?)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 16, 1890 page 781 Vol. 28 No. 49 —From Douglas County, Mo., sister Nannie A. Harman writes: "Bro. S A. Honberger came to us Nov. 22, to organize a church. After the little band of members—eighteen in all,—were organized, they- desired a minister, and our dear young brother, Joseph B. Hylton, was chosen to that important office. Bro. Honberger was chosen as our elder. The name of our organization is ' Bryant.' We feel weak in the cause and ask the prayers of God's children in our behalf. We expect to have a social meeting once a week at our school-house. On Sunday Bro. Honberger preached to a crowded house of attentive listeners. After meeting, we went to the water-Bide, where a young man was buried with Christ in baptism
The Gospel Messenger May 5, 1891 page 285 From Douglas County, Mo. April 11 the Bryant congregation, Douglas Co., Mo., met, for the first time since the organization in church council. We had but little business before the meeting, but we hope all was done in a Christian way. We chose Bro., J. B. Hylton as delegate to District Meeting. We have social meeting every Sunday evening at our houses. The members all seem to enjoy such meetings and we hope some good may be accomplished. We are a small band of brethren and sisters, - only fifteen members, with but one young minister. The Mission Board sent our elder to Louisiana to do mission work, so that we are in need of a minister to come and preach for us. The field is wide and many precious souls are starving for the true Gospel. If those people die without ever hearing the Gospel preached, who will be to blane? Brethren, when there are six or eight ministers at one meeting, think of the isolated ones that would like to hear you preach! Nannie A. Harman |