Bolivar Church (1892-99?) The Gospel Messenger April 5, 1892 page 215 From Bolivar, Mo. Several members having located in Polk County, Mo., during the last few years, it was thought expedient by the Southern State District to organize a church at this place. Accordingly, on Feb. 23, 1892, brethren C. Holderman and W. M. Harvey cane to us, and on the 24th, an organization was effected by the unanimous voice of the ten members who now compose the little body, called the Bolivar church. It was found upon the presentation of certificates, that there were two ministers in the second degree, but no other official brother, where upon Bro. Matthew Bailey was chosen to the deacon’s office. Each member renewed his promise to conform to the order, and abide by the counsels of the General Brotherhood. A treasurer and clerk were then elected,, and Bro. C. Holderman chosen as our elder. The labors of this little council closed with a fervent invocation to the Great helper of his people. Now, as Paul can only plant, and Apollos water, may God give an abundant increases! This little church starts in her work with a deep sense of the truth of the declaration of the Savior: “The harvest is great and the laborers few.” Were “the race to the swift, and the battle to the strong.” We might will surrender in the outset, but we trust, through of the grace of God, the prayers of this people, and an abiding faith in him who has promised to be with his children to the end of the world, that we may not only succeed in our individual conflicts, but, as a little band of soldiers, have great cause to give thanks to god who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We would welcome any the faithful who may desire to locate among us. To those seeking a location among us. To those seeking a location, I will say. Here are many opportunities for cheap homes, and while the advantages are not all to be found at one place, yet there may be, perhaps, as many of the comforts of life enjoyed here as in most localities. “Come and see!” Geo. S. Wine.