Bethel Church (1908-?)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 29, 1908 page 140 Vol. 47 No. 9 Handley. – Feb. 8 the members at this place were, by the assistance of Elders B. B. and J. B. Hylton, organized in to a church, to be known as the Bethel Brethren church. Sixteen of the seventeen members participated in making the organization. We have three deacons and one minister. We chose Bro. J. B. Hylton as overseer of our little church, with Bro. B. B. Hylton as his assistant. Bro. Sam’l Ullery was chosen clerk. We hear of others who are coming to locate with us. the fact that we are in a fairly good country, with a mild climate, where land is very low in price, makes our outlook very promising. We have a union Sunday school each Sunday at 10 A. M., Christian Workers’ at 11 A. M. we earnestly request our ministering brethren to stop with us, as we are near the main line of the Frisco Railroad, two hundred miles southwest of St. Louis. We expect to take the preliminary steps this spring toward building a house of worship. At present we have a good, new schoolhouse of worship. At present we have a good, new schoolhouse, in which we hold all our services. – F. L. Baker, R. D. 2, Box 12. Conway, Mo., Feb. 19
Laclede County – Conway (Sw corner of County) Dallas County Handley (SE corner of Couny) Handley, Mo is 7 ˝ miles west of Conway