Worthington Church (1897-)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 25, 1897 page 622 Vol. 35 No. 39 From Worthington, Minn. We have had some very pleasant calls from some of our Iowa Brethren, Aug. 20 Bro. Ralston, of Sheldon, Iowa, was with us at our council. Saturday, Aug. 2, we had a very pleasant meeting. We have a committee appointed to solicit means for building a meetinghouse. Bro. Ralston preached for us Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night. He gave us some good instruction. It so happened that Brother and Sister Nicodemus, of Kingsley, Iowa and Bro. Harvey Eikenberry, of Greene, Iowa, met here Aug. 28. We had some more good meetings over Sunday. On Monday evening the brethren and sisters were called together for organization. We are now organized as the Worthington church. We also had a very pleasant visit from Brother and Sister Heeth of South Dakota. They are looking up a location. We have very interesting meetings and a large attendance for this country. Our Sunday school is well attended and much interest in manifested. Our Prayer meetings and Bible readings are always well attended and munch interest is shown. These are the meetings at which one gets sleepy.; I would that it could be said that every church in the Brotherhood has a prayer meeting. then every member, both old and young, could have a chance to exercise in spiritual matters. Lizzie Hilary. Sept. 5. |