Golden Valley Church (First Minneapolis) (1912-73)
The Gospel Messenger March 21, 1914 page 188 Vol. 63 No. 121 Minneapolis.—Beginning Jan. 25, our church enjoyed a two weeks' series of meetings, conducted by Eld. J. H. Brubaker of Big Lake. Minn. Our meetings were favorably attended considering the had weather. Four Sunday-school scholars were baptized. Feb. 26 our church met in council. Bro A. P. Blough. of Waterloo. Iowa, and Bro. J. E. Ralston, of Sheldon, Iowa, were with us to effect the organization of the church here. We organized with seventy-one charter members. Our church is to be known as the First Church of the Brethren of Minneapolis. Our church officers are as follows Bro. D. W. Shock, elder in charge: Bro. B. A. Wolfe treasurer Sister Bertha G. Dutcher. clerk; Bro. David Beeghly, chorister: Sister Alsie Sharpe. solicitor; Sister Myrtle Beach, correspondent Bro. Ralston presided. We received three letters and granted two.—Myrtle Beach. 3126 Knox Avenue North Minneapolis, Minn.. March 10.