Barnum Church

(Deer Park, Nemadji



The Gospel Messenger Dec. 7, 1901 page 781

Deer Park. – Oct. 20 Bro., W. H. Eikenberry, of Worthington, Minn., cam to us and held a series of meetings which lasted over three Sundays.  Nov. 16 Bro., J. C. Seibert, of Cando N. Dak., came and preached twice on Sunday, Nov. 18 we called a council and decided to organize. The writer was elected corresponding secretary.  Bro. A. H. Reeves was elected trustee for three years; Bro. Zimri Garwood for two years, and Bro. John Moore, of Becker County, for one year. Bro. John Moore is also our deacon. As we are so far from any other congregation we did not make choice of an elder, but chose to remain for the present in the care of the District Mission Board. We have two ministers, Bro. A. H. Reeves and the writer. As this is the first and only organization in the Northern District of Minnesota, all members in this State and District will please send in their letters as soon as convenient.  We decided to call our organization the Deer Park Brethren church.  We intend to build a meeting house in the spring.  Barnum is situation on the N. P. R. R., 113 miles north of St. Paul. Soil is good and land can be had cheap. We would be glad to correspond with any of the Brethren who desire to change locations. – C. D. Reeves, Barnum, Minn., Nov. 26.