Zion Church (1911-)
The Gospel Messenger July 1, 1911 page 411 Vol. 50 No. 26 PRESCOTT, MICHIGAN Eld. Lemuel Hillery and Bro. Isaac S. Grady, both of Goshen, Ind. Left their homes June 8 to visit friend in Mason County, Mich. June 13 they reached Ogemaw County, Mich. They were met at West Branch by Bro. John Horning, who brought them out to his home, where Bro. Hillery met Sister Fisher, one of his old acquaintances. Sister Fisher is crippled with rheumatism, but gets around quite well by means of her crutch. Bro. Hillery was almost worn out when he got here, as he had a fall this spring from which he sustained injuries, besides being otherwise afflicted. After resting a few days, we met at Bro. Horning's house on Thursday and Friday evenings, where Bro. Hillery gave us some soul-cheering thoughts, for which we were thankful. On Saturday afternoon, June 17, the Brethren met at Bro. Levi Myers' place for church council. We got the business in shape and made arrangements for our love feast and organization, which will be held in the writer's barn, twelve miles east of West Branch, and eleven miles southwest of Prescott. Today Bro. Hillery gave us some spiritual food. The House was crowded and he had the best of attention. Bro. Hillery will preach for us again tonight. Arrangements have been made for more meetings to be held at Bro. Horning's house, sometime this week, as Bro. Hillery can not travel around very much. Bro. Grady will go home on Monday, but Bro. Hillery will remain with us until after our love feast. We have also decided to hold a Fourth of July meeting in Bro. Oscar Mason's grove. Sisters Horning, Blocher and Mason, and Brethren Ira Blocher and Horning were appointed to prepare a program for the meeting. We have Sunday-school every Sunday at 9: 30 A. M., followed by preaching services. We have also decided to have preaching every Sunday evening. Any who are thinking of changing location will do well to come this way. We now number forty-three brethren and sisters, and have good prospects for more. All letters of inquiry should contain a stamped envelope. R. D. 2. Prescott, Mich. W. F. Mason.
The Gospel Messenger April 6, 1912 page 222 Vol. 61 No. 14 PRESCOTT, MICHIGAN. Four years ago, the first members,—Bro. W. F. Mason and wife,—moved here, later some others came, and during the last year a number have come, so that we now have forty-five members living quite near together. This, the Zion church (with Eld. J. P. Bowman in charge), and our evergreen Sunday-school, are not yet one year old. During the last three months, while the weather was the coldest for years, our school averaged 60. Although the mercury continued low, there was very little wind, and there were but two days when the roads drifted. The zeal of our brethren, in driving through the deep mud to Bro. Petry's meetings, in October, and the hearty cooperation in starting the new churchhouse, are commendable. There is a great work here for the Brethren. So far there have not been adequate church and Sunday-school privileges in the community. The schoolhouse, where we have our four services each Sunday, is crowded. Brethren, you who can come and help, here is a wonderful opportunity for you, and we need your help. So many, especially children, are looking to us for Sunday-school privileges, that the workers here are not able to meet the needs. Are there not active Christian workers who will come to this Northland, to help in the noble work of saving and training souls? This country has many natural advantages,—fine climate, good soil, nearness to markets, etc., that it will rapidly fill with people. The opportune time for the Brethren church is right now. Ours will be the first churchhouse in this township. It will be built on the direct road from West Branch to Tawas City on Lake Huron, thirteen miles from the former town, and twenty-three miles from the latter. There is no church of any denomination nearer than eight miles. The house will be located in the center of our colony.—none of our band being farther than three miles away. Prescott, Mich., March 18. Ira G. Blocher. |