Woodland Village Church (1913-36)
The Gospel Messenger Jan. 17, 1914 page 44 Vol. 63 No. 3 Woodland Village church met in council Jan. 10 for organization. Elders P. B. Mesener. Henry Smith and John M. Smith were present. Bro. Messner presided. Eld. Isaac Rairlgh and Bro. O. F. Culler are our resident ministers. Eld. Rairlgh was chosen our elder in charge; Bro. Harley Townsend. clerk; Bro. S. D. Katherman, treasurer; Brethren Lewis Christian, August Geiger, Harley McMillen. trustees; Bro. Lawrence Royer, Messenger agent; the writer, church correspondent. We decided to name our church the " Woodland Village" . The matter of obtaining an evangelist for another series of meeting was looked after. We lately organized a Christian Workers' Meeting. Sister G. F. Culler as president. Dec. 28 the following the Christian Workers’ Meeting Sister Teeter, of Mason County, gave us a splendid talk on improving our opportunities, which was much enjoyed by all present. Last Sunday another soul,—the head of a family — as buried with Christ in baptism. The attendance at all our services is encouraging. Our aim and prayer Is that by this organization we may do more spiritual work for the Master. — Anna Christian, Woodland, Mich., Jan. 10.