Sunfield Church (1877-)
Primitive Christian Nov. 6, 1877 page 694 Vol. I No. 44 From Michigan. Dear Editors: It is now nearly three years since I with my family, four in number, three of us church members, and my son and wife, they both members of the church, making five members, came in here, where we as Brethren, or German Baptists, were scarcely know as a church, I was then a minister in the first degree. I made some inquiry as to what district I belonged. Soon I hear from Elder Isaac Miller and found that I was in the bounds of the Woodland church. We then remained in this district until late this fall. Some eight weeks ago we held a council meeting for the purpose of dividing the district as the territory is very large. The district was divided, or we were set of in a district by ourselves. The number of our members we are happy to state is some fifty-tree. Three years ago the number would have been under ten, so brethren you can see that the good work of the lord is going on in Michigan as well as in other localities. We held our communion meeting at my place on the 13th of October, and we had a good meeting, good order and very large attendance. The barn was not more than half large enough to hold the crowd. Eld Long of Thronapple district, brother Winey and Brother Jacob Kepner were with us, and Eld. Isaac Miller and David Flory from Woodland district, all ministers, were present. We were pretty well fortified against the wiles of the wicked one. At this meeting two more souls were added to the church by baptism, causing the angels in heaven and saints on earth to rejoice. Brethren, we are doing the very best we possibly can by the help of God. We have baptized six in the last eight months and we have good reason to believe that we will have the pleasure of administering the ordinance soon again, probably before I send this out for publication. Monday, Oct. 29th. Yesterday was out meeting day and I am happy to tell you that there were seven added to the church by baptism. Brethren, the good work of God is still going on in this part of this moral heritage, and still the prospect is good. Our congregation is still increasing and the interest manifested is very good. At our last meeting we had a large concourse of people and quite an interest manifested at the water side while the ordinance of baptism was attended to Benjamin Fryfogle. |