Sugar Ridge Church (1883-)
The Gospel Messenger July 10, 1883 page 30 Vol. 21, No. 27 From Carson City, Mich.—June 22 Dear Brethren:— Our Communion of New Haven church, Mich., is past. It was truly an enjoyable Love-feast, to the greater part of us. The truth was held forth with power by brethren Rairigh, Fryfogle, Albaugh, Krabill and others. Deep and lasting impressions were made on some of the hearers. Upwards of a hundred and thirty members communed on the evening of the 16th, and on the 17th, upwards of seven hundred people assembled at the place of worship, the largest assembly ever known in this part of Michigan, on such an occasion. There were two additions by letter this Spring. We still feel to praise God for his mercies. The church and membership of Michigan are considerably scattered. A small body of members living in Mason Co., were, by the help of Eld. R. Berkeybile, organized into a sub-district, known as Sugar Ridge church, with Bro. Levi Dogue as only minister, he being in the second degree. Brethren Oliver Williams and ——— Shulmyers were elected to the visit. This church numbers, in all, about fourteen members. This colony of Brethren wished to hold a Love-feast, so they wrote to Elder Chambers to be with them on June 23, for the purpose of assisting them, and to bring such other help as he saw proper. On the 22nd, Elder Chambers and the writer boarded the train at Fenwick Station, and wended our way to Reed City; thence west to Custer, on the P. M. F. R. R., where we soon found our way to Bro. L. Dogue’s, where the meeting was to be held. The brethren all seem to be in somewhat limited circumstances, but rich in faith,—nearly all earnest workers in the Master’s cause. We had a very pleasant Love-feast with this little band of believers. This little body was also consulted in regard to advancing Bro. Dague to the full ministry, and all thought it was proper to do so. At the same time, they expressed themselves that it was necessary and advisable to hold a choice for a minister, which was attended to between the afternoon and evening services. The lot fell on William Kree. The installing and ordination then took place, in the beginning of the evening services. Hope the Lord will give the grace to discharge their duties in their different offices. This little band of members ought to be remembered by the Brotherhood in their prayers and in the missionary department, for they need help. E. Bosserman.