Shepherd Church (1915-)
The Gospel Messenger May 8, 1915 page 299 Vol. 64 No. 19 Shepherd. – April 10 our little band of members was organized into a separate congregation. Brethren E. L. Wilkins and J. A. McKimmey had charge of the work, and Bro. Wilkins presided. Sister Anna Utz was chosen clerk; Bro. Vaniman, treasurer; Brethren Spencer, Vaniman and Class, trustees; the writer, corresponded. The name of the congregation is to be “Shepherd,” with Bro., Harvey Stauffer as elder in charge for one year. We have fourteen charter members. At present we are holding services in an M. E. church, which we rented until Sept. 1. By that time we hope to have a house of worship of our own. The attendance at our Sunday-school and preaching services has reached almost fifty. We are located in a beautiful, will-improved section of this State. Brethren Wilkins and McKimmey remained here over Sunday and gave us two very spiritual sermons. Minister, who can possibly arrange to stop with us, are always welcomed gladly. – Mrs. Harry Stauffer, R. D. R. 4, Mount Pleasant, Mich., April 15.
The Gospel Messenger May 8, 1915 page 299 Vol. 64 No. 19 SHEPHERD MISSION, MICHIGAN. The Shepherd mission is located in Isabella County, Mich., three miles north of Shepherd. Four years ago. last August, the writer delivered the first sermon ever preached by our Brethren in this part of Michigan. At that time several families of our members resided there, who recently had moved into that locality. Up to December, this point had been under the care of the Mission Board. Brethren Levi Baker (deceased) and Conway Tyson assisted in carrying on the work, by filling the regular monthly appointments. The meetings were held in a Baptist churchhouse. Our Brethren joined the Baptists in a union Sunday-school, which was continued until last fall, when they thought the opportune time had come to organize a Sunday-school of their own, which they did. Since that time our Sunday-school has grown in interest and attendance. During the past few years some of our members moved away, while others have moved into that community. About the beginning of last December Eld. Harvey Stauffer and family moved into their midst. April 10 the members were organized into a separate congregation, with fifteen charter members. Bro. Stauffer was chosen elder in charge. Eld. John McKimmy, of Beaverton, Mich., rendered valuable assistance in the organization. This congregation will be known as the Shepherd congregation. At present all the services are held in the M. E. house, the use of which has been secured. The Brethren expect to buy or erect a church building this coming summer or fall. This mission point is located in a fine farming country, with good schools and splendid railroad facilities. Any one desiring further information, concerning this part of the State, can be accommodated by writing to Eld. Harvey Stauffer, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Middleton, Mich., April 21, C. L. Wilkins |