Rodney Church (Chippewa Creek) (1884-)
This church was first organized under the hame as Rodney, then reorganized in 1886 under the name Chippewa Creek and later change the name back to Rodney.
The Gospel Messenger June 3, 1884 page 359 Vol. 22, No. 23 From Rodney, Mich. Dear Messenger: - Our church was organized by brethren Albaugh and Baker. We feel thankful for the good work which they have don. Brethren desiring to buy farming lands are requested to visit us before buying elsewhere. We have good hard-wood land; timber, beach and maple. We are three miles from Chippewa, a promising village, and three from Rodney, and eight miles from Big Rapids. We have good markets, and many cleared farms close to the schoolhouses can be bought cheap. Further information can be had by writing to James Kennedy, Rodney, Mecosta Co., Mich.
The Gospel Messenger June 10, 1884 Page 374 Vol. 22, No. 24 From Rodney, Mich. Dear Messenger:— We bad some interesting meetings here the past Winter. Brother Eleazar Bossernian of Carson City, Michigan, held three meetings, one on Saturday and two on Sunday. On Sunday afternoon brother Bossernian was called to an adjoining township to preach a funeral sermon. The work of the Lord is going on faithfully here. There is great interest among the people. We are but ten in number. When the work commenced here, four months ago, there was but one member. The brethren and sisters invite and encourage brethren and sisters, and especially ministering brethren, to come and settle amongst us and help to build up a church. Our country is new, and land is cheap. The main products are wheat, oats, corn and potatoes. Our location is good; railroad near, and markets from three to nine miles. We hope that some of our brethren will be willing to come. Carl Jehuzen.
Gospel Messenger July 15, 1884 page 454 Vol. 22 No. 29 Dear Messenger, — We held our Love-feast June 21. Our officiating ministers were brethren Albaugh and Baker, from the Saginaw church. Love and union prevail among us. "We had meeting the evening of the 19th and 20th, also after the Feast, on Sunday. As a result, two were added to our little baud by baptism. — We thank God that his Spirit is still working with us. I hope that some of our brethren, who are traveling, will stop with us when they come this way. William F. Jehnzen.
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 6, 1885 page 636 Vol. 23 No. 40 From Rodney, Mich. The Brethren of the Rodney church have been holding some very interesting meetings. The text used by the brethren Aug. 29th and 30, 1885 was, by Isaiah F. Rairich, Philpp.4: 13; by E. Bosserman, 1 Peter 1: 22; by L F. Rairich, Acts 22: 16. The above sermons were preached to large congregations, and all were highly delighted with the truths of the Gospel preached in its^ purity. We thank the Almighty that the good work still goes on in our country, and hope that we may be forever true to the end of our race. If any of the Brethren are traveling our way, we will be pleased to have them stop off at Rodney and see us. Jas. Kennedy. Sept. 5, 1885.
The Gospel Messenger May 25, 1886 page 331 Vol. 24 No. 21 From Rodney, Mich. There will be a love-feast at the Chippewa Creek church, Rodney, Mich., June 19 and 20. Any Brethren wishing to come, will please write us as soon as convenient. We kindly invite some of our Brethren ministers to come and assist us in building up the cause of the Master, as the laborers are few and an abundant harvest. May God enable us to prove faithful to the last. Bro. Bosserman, of Gratiot county, held a series of meetings here, and had good attendance and order. Brethren, pray for us, that we may always be found working of the Master. James Kennedy.
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 2, 1886 p. 74 Vol. 24, No. 5 The following is taken from a letter written by Bro. William F. Jehuzen, of Rodney, Mich.: Bro. George E. Stone, of Carson City, preached for them, and they were much built up. On Friday, Jan. 8, Eld. E. Bosserman met with them in church council, and they organized a church, to be known as the Chippewa Creek church. Bro. Bosserman was chosen elder, and Bro. Jehuzen, deacon. They would be glad to have a minister locate among them. Good farming land can be had a reasonable price. Those desiring further information, please write to Bro. J., addressing as above. |