Midland Church (1924-)
The Gospel Messenger Nov. 15, 1924 page 733 Vol. 73 No. 46 Midland.—A Sunday-school and Christian Workers' Society were begun here last January with fourteen members; we now have twenty-eight. In September four young sisters were added to the church by baptism, also two were baptized for the Beaverton congregation, making six in all. Bro. Van Meter and Bro. Rarick have each given us a sermon and Bro. Hugh Miller has likewise favored us on his visits here in the past three months, Sept. 8 Bro. Virgil Finnell gave a lecture here. Sept. 28 we organized the First Brethren Church of Midland. The officers were selected for one year, with Bro. Geo. Killian, of Beaverton, elder in charge, and the writer correspondent. As we have no minister here we would greatly appreciate any help along that line. The members of the Midland church are very grateful to those who have so kindly lent their services.- Grace Guernsey, Midland, Mich., Oct. 24. |