Hart Church (1915-42)
The Gospel Messenger Sept. 4, 1915 page 571 Vol. 64 No. 37 By the consent of the Sugar Ridge church, Eld. J. E. Ulery and Bro. D. E. Sowers, of Manistee County, called a council of the little band of members in and near Hart, and duly organized them into a congregation, to be known as the Church of the Brethren of Hart, Mich. Brethren J. J. and S. S. Scrogum, and Sister G. Nevinger, were Reeled trustees, with Bro. J. J. Scrogum as church clerk. The writer is elder in charge for the remainder of this year. Our territory will consist of about 1,250 square miles, and contains, as far as known, only ten families and twenty-one members, with two deacons and only one minister. By consent of all the members present, an election was held for one deacon. The lot fell upon Bro. Stewart He and his companion were installed into S. Scrogum. He and his companion were installed into the office. Only Six years ago Sister Nevinger,—then Sister Sadler, - was a charter member in the Onekama church. Nearly twenty-nine years ago the writer was a charter member and the only minister in the Kaskaskia church, Fayette Co., Ill. Thus history repeats itself, and if our little start here succeeds as well as the two others just named, we shall be satisfied. We think our outlook is fine. We have splendid members here to start the work. This is large field that has never been cultivated by our people. We have a fine climate and a good country. People can get good homes much cheaper here than in some of the older States. Why not come over and help us build for the Lord? We shall be glad to answer any inquiries about the conditions here, but you should first address Eld. E. E. Sowers, at Manistee, Mich., the Location Secretary appointed by District Meeting. We need your prayers and all the help that we can get. May the Lord bless his work everywhere, is our prayer. G. Nevinger. Hart, Mich., Aug. 24.