Harlan Church (1908-1950?)
The Gospel Messenger May 18, 1908 page 316 Vol. 47 No.20 Zion.—This point has been a part of the Lakeview church. We are now preparing to build a house of worship. Finding it very difficult to transact business for this work satisfactorily, we petitioned Lakeview for a division, which was granted. We met in council May 4, to organize our congregation, with Bro. S. M. Smith presiding. We enjoyed a very pleasant meeting. We have a membership of about thirty-five members. Our official board consists of two ministers and three deacons. Bro. John Lair, of Custer, Mich., was chosen as elder. We will be known as the Harlan church. We are at present holding all services n the schoolhouse. but the construction of our new church will commence soon. Our Sunday school is still growing in number and interest, We fell that we have a bright future before us, and invite members, coming to Michigan, to join our little band.—Rosa Weller, R. D. 2, Copemish, Mich., May 7.
The Gospel Messenger May 23, 1908 page 332 Vol. 47 No. 21 Lake View church met in council May 2. Elders S. M. Smith, C. L. Wilkins and J. M Lair were present. Bro. Wilkins presided. The members living in the northeastern part of this congregation requested to be organized into a separate congregation, which was granted, and the organization was effected May 4. We decided to have a Sunday-school meeting at Brethren, July 4. A committee of arrangements and a lodging committee were appointed to make arrangements for the district meeting to be held here in August. Brethren Lemon A. Ebey and Frank Gilbert were chosen delegates to district meeting. Bro. Smith remained with us until May 4, giving us two sermons. After the services on Sunday, two young sisters were baptized. – Miss Ella Keith, Brethren, Mich., May 7 |