Grand Rapids (1913-72?)
The Gospel Messenger Oct. 25, 1913 page 685 Vol. 62 No. 43 THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN IN THE CITY OF GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Four years ago the Mission Board of Michigan asked the writer to work in the interest of the church in the city of Grand Rapids. We began by having Sunday-school in a small building, with an attendance of twelve. A little later came the call for preaching. The Mission Board sent some one to fill the appointments every two weeks. There were two members living in the city,— Brother A. Overholt and wife. Together with them we labored for six months. In response to a call for workers. Brother and Sister G. F. Culler gave themselves to the work for one year. The work gradually increased. Souls became anxious to know more of the Bible. Some who had once been members of the Brethren church found their way to the mission services, and, through the teaching of the Word, were again brought into fellowship with the church. Next, Brother and Sister J. W. Mishler took the work for one year, and the work continued to grow. There were ten members now, and the building was entirely too small to accommodate all who wished to attend services. Again workers were needed. Brother and Sister C. Walter Warstler were secured. Again a larger room was needed. Results were more than we, in our weakness, had even hoped for. By prayer, and the efforts of Brother and Sister Warstler, and the cooperation of the Mission Board and the money of the members of the District of Michigan, there stands today a neat, commodious house of worship,—the First Church of the Brethren of Grand Rapids. Brother and Sister Warstler have been in this work one year. There are sixty members here now, and the Sunday-school attendance is one hundred and ten. The writer enjoyed attending the evangelistic services, beginning Sept. 21. Bro. Warstler preached in the spirit and power of God, making plain the commandments, which are so much ignored by the professed followers of Christ. We have preaching services every evening for two weeks, and cottage prayer meetings in the afternoon. Ten precious souls were baptized into the Church of Christ. One was restored. During the past year, thirty members have been added to the church. It is this that causes us to rejoice, and say, "Bless the Lord, oh my soul, praise his holy name." Brother and Sister Warstler have labored faithfully and prayerfully under increased responsibility, and they have need of our prayers. To aid in our work, let our Sisters Aid Societies send clothing. Sarah Long. Clarksville, Mich., Oct. 10. |