First Flint Church (1928-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 29, 1928 page 833 Vol. 77 No. 52 Flint - Oct 7 Brethren D. P. Schechter and Samuel Bowser were sent to us as a committee from the District Meeting to help us, organize into a separate congregation. Bro. Schechter presided. About thirty-five charter members were present. The boundary line was determined. Twenty-two letters of membership were received. Our territory included nine member, of Elise congregation. We gave our congregation the name of the First Church of the Brethren of Flint. Trustees elected were; Brethren Wilbur Shepherd, Norman Stoug and Emory Taylor; church clerk, Sister Forest Nash. Our quarterly councils arc to he held the last Saturday of March, June, September and December. Bro. L. H. Prowant was chosen elder for one year correspondent Sister Rhoda Hard; "Messenger agent Sister Francis Taylor. Since this meeting two letter, have been received. The church met in special council Nov. 3. It was decided that all who presented their letter, before the December council would be counted as charter member,. It was also decided that we place the financial work of the church into the hands of the trustees. The Sunday-school superintendent and the assistant were elected for six months, Calvin Leckrone being superintendent. It was decided to have one treasurer for both the church and Sunday-school. The Sunday school gave a Thanksgiving program Oct. 2. It might be interesting to know that the young people are at work too. We have our regular class meeting every two weeks; some very interesting programs and social times are enjoyed. It will be greatly appreciated by the church if we are informed of members moving into the city or of those already living here. Our address is 3280 Corinna Road. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 A. M., preaching following services in the evening at 7:20. – Rhoda Hardy, Flint, Mich., Dec. 14. |