Detroit First Church (1918-)
The Gospel Messenger Feb. 23, 1918 page 123 Vol. 67 No. 8 FROM THE DISTRICT MISSION BOARD OF MICHIGAN In harmony with the decisions of our Board, Elders C. L. Wilkins, C. H. Deardorff, and the writer, made a trip to Detroit, and met with the members of the mission for the purpose of looking over the work, and rendering such s would be in our power, to forward the work. Pleased to meet so many earnest, zealous and, and brethren and sisters in members' Having stated the object of our visit, portions of Scripture, and explained. Then the present came before the committee, and each member expressed a willingness to accept the teachings of the Scriptures and the distinctive principles of the Church of the Brethren as interpreted Conference. The members were then organized into a church, with a bout forty charter members. They elected all necessary workers such as trustees, clerk treasurer correspondent, etc. Among the charter members they had only one deacon, so they, so they thought it good to hold a choice for two deacons, which done at once, and resulted in the calling out three brethren with so strong a vote that the congregation decided to accept the three instead of two. On Sunday morning, Feb. 3, following the council of the preceding evening, the dedicatory sermon of the church which had been bought last summer, was delivered by Eld. Wilkins, in the afternoon the installation services were held. Deardorff officiating. Of the three called only two responded, the third one not feeling ready to accept the call. Brethren M. B. Williams and J. L. Guthrie, however, were installed into office, while a deep solemnity pervaded the entire audience. The committee had to leave before the evening service. We feel to commend this newly-organized mission church. The First Church of the Brethren of Detroit, Mich., for their heir zeal and devotion, and the love they manifest one to another; also their willingness to spend and be spent for the cause of the Master. We ask in their behalf the earnest cooperation and support of all' the local churches, by their prayers and liberal contributions to help place the work here on a good financial footing when he District canvass made. And we further urge that he pledges, given for this work, now due, or coming due this year, be paid soon. This will greatly assist the Board in meeting the obligations given for the purchase of the Property. Peter B. Messner. Lake Odessa, Mich., Feb. 5.
The Gospel Messenger March 9, 1918 page 156 Vol. 67 No. 10 DETROIT, MICHIGAN Bro Earl M. Bowman, who came to Detroit from the Dry Fork church, Mo., in March, 1917, and served so faith fully ,n the work, in every way he could, during his stay here, preached his farewell sermon to us Jan 13 He leaves the city March 17 for McPherson College Kans to enter upon college work. It is hard to give up young men like Bro, Bowman, but the church needs men like him, willing to sacrifice and be spent in his cause the leadership of such men as Pres. D. W. Kurtz, and other members of the McPherson faculty, he will come out from that institution better fitted for the great work which is before him. The church made a contribution of $32 to Bro. Bowman on his last Sunday here. The organization of our mission into a church,-" First Church of the Brethren of Detroit, Mich.," gives us an opportunity for real activity. We are very glad, indeed, for the brotherly feeling which exists between the members at this place and the Committee of Brethren- C. L. Wilkins, C. H. Deardorf and P. B. Messner, who were sent by the Mission Board of the State of Michigan to effect an organization of the church here They arrived in . Detroit on Friday afternoon Feb. 1. After a short conference with a few of the members here, the writer went with the elders to the home of Mrs. Simon, whose mother, Sister S. Eller is quite ill. She was anointed by the elders. The doctors say there is no hope for her recovery. On the night of Feb. 15, sixteen or seventeen members met at Mrs. Simon's home, and had prayer and song service, which Sister Eller and the family enjoyed very much. Saturday evening, Feb. 2, at 7 o'clock, the work of the organization began. A good crowd was present. Forty-one members were declared as charter members of the organization. There was not a hitch in the organization Bro. H. L. Fahmey, formerly of the Elgin church Ill., was elected church clerk; Brethren H. Kerns, John P Guthrie and the writer were elected trustees; Sister Anna Pifer, Messenger" agent; the writer, correspondent. We are glad for such men as Bro. Jno. F. Deitz, who is an organizer and gets results. He was unanimously elected as foreman of our business meetings. Deacons elected and installed are. Bro. Jno. P. Guthrie and the writer Our Chinese work has been very successful so far. We are planning a rally program for Feb. 9. This is a great work. We want to get all the Chinese we can to our school, as we are equipped with teachers to take care of that work. Two of our young men expect to leave for Camp. We have quite a number of young men, but we are short in the number of our young women. Wages are good and work is plentiful for young women and men in this city Those who are thinking of making a change are invited to come. We are willing to help you out in every way we can. Here is a great opportunity to get the experience for real service in mission work. We are planning to make a house-to-house canvass, and solicit the enrollment of those who have not already entered other Sunday-schools. With the leadership and cooperation of our organized force of church workers, we feel that great good may be accomplished in the vicinity of the church. All who are interested in the work here, will please let us hear from them. We will do our best to give any assistance possible. M. B. Williams. 141 Milwaukee Avenue, W., Detroit, Mich.