Adrian Church (1943-)
Gospel Messenger March 13, 1943 page 16 Vol. 92 No. 11 Adrian. – The Emmanuel Lutheran church on Church Street at McVicar was leased by the Church of the Brethren under the supervision of the Fairview congregation of near Metamora, Ohio. Brethren J. A. Guthrie and Wilbur Bantz and members living in and near Adrian met and organized a Sunday School with Bro. Floyd Biddix as superintendent. Brethren Uriah Garner and J. F. Hornish preached until Bro. H. H. Hendricks of Alvordton, Ohio, began preaching for us every Sunday morning and evening. Bro. Hendricks conducted special services the first two weeks of December, and as a result one young lady was baptized on Jan. 31. The congregation assembled I a business meeting Jan. 6 in the Fairview church and passed a motion to effect a church organization in Adrian. Bro. J. F. Hornish, chairman of the district ministerial and mission board, and Bro. J. A. Guthrie, elder of the Fairview congregation, met with the charter members and friends on Feb. 4 and the following organization was effected: Bro. H. P. Garner was chosen elder, and a trustee board, finance board, a clerk and a treasurer, and all other officers elected. Brother and Sister Hendricks were installed as our pastors. They expect to move to Adrian in the near future. We have twenty-seven charter members. The average attendance at the morning service has been forty-three and at the evening service twenty-five. – Fred Garner, Adrian, Mich., Feb. 23. |