Woodberry Church (1907 - )
The Gospel Messenger April 13, 1907 page240 Vol. 46 No. 15 The Woodberry Church, Baltimore, MD. By consent of the Meadow Branch church, the Brethren met in special council in the Woodberry church, Baltimore, Md., for the purpose of effecting a church organization. The following elders were present: W. M. Wine, moderator; C. D. Bonsack, reading clerk; A. P. Snader, writing clerk; E. W. Stoner and T. J. Kolb. The vote, consisting of those who reside within the visiting limits of the Woodberry church and who agree to work in harmony with the decisions of Annual Conference, resulted in favor of the organization. Bro. W. M. Wine was elected their elder for one year. Bro. Carroll Yingling was elected to the ministry. Brethren Samuel Miller and W. E. Forney were chosen to represent the Woodberry church at district meeting. with three resident ministers, Eld. J. A. Smith, J. J. Ellis and Carroll Yingling, and the three faithful deacons. J. S. Lau, Geo. Hull and Samuel Miller and quite a number of earnest young brethren and sisters, we predict a bright future for this newly-organized church. A. P. Snader, Clerk. March 23. |