Westernport Church (1927-)
The Gospel Messenger Dec. 3, 1927 page 788 Vol. 76 No. WESTERN MARYLAND Our work has been very encouraging during the past year. One new point was opened which now has an organized church with a membership of sixty-six. There has been a steady growth in numbers and interest in the other points under our supervision. Above all, a new spirit of harmony has been manifest throughout the entire District which is most encouraging. This spirit has been fostered considerably bv our Daily Vacation Bible School worker. Sister Bertha Sanford, who- held schools in all of our churches but two. Bro R. A. Haney who for the past two years has had charge of the work in the Cherry Grove church is continuing there for another year. This church has a membership of about ninety. The Georges Creek church has a membership of sixty-six. Bro. E. F. Shumaker served this church as summer pastor this year. Work was opened by the writer in the town of Westernport, Md., the first of January. Regular services have been held since that time. The congregation was organized on July 18 with sixty-six charter members. Bro. S. Z. Smith held meetings in both Georges Creek and Westernport, which added to the number of members. Our District is small and our workers few but when we look back over the past four or five years and see the work which has been accomplished it gives us courage to press on. Accident, Md. Arthur Scrogum |