Stone Bridge Church (1941-)
Gospel Messenger August 2, 1921 page 29 Vol. 90 No. 32 Stone Bridge. – After proper procedure by the church to become a separate congregation, the district meeting, held April 17, voted unanimously to accept this decision as presented to them by Bro. S. F. Spritzer, elder in charge. Bro. J. S. Bowlus presided at the business meeting for the organization of the congregation. Bro. S. F. Spitzer was chosen elder for three years. Other officers of the church were retained. The church agreed that the name of the congregation be Stone Bridge. From May 12 to 26 Bro. A. J. Caricofe of Vienna, Va., was with us in a series of meetings. These meetings were well attended. The messages were most interesting and inspiring. Two were added to the church by baptism. The love feast was held on May 25. The church is planning for the annual harvest home-coming service to be held Sept. 14, with a morning and afternoon service. This also is the seventieth anniversary of the church. The program committee is hoping to make this meeting an interesting one, and invites all former friends to these services. – Cora Winter, Hancock, Md. July 15. |