Pleasant View Church (1914-)
The Gospel Messenger May 9, 1914 page 300 Vol. 63 No. 19 Brownsville congregation met at the Pleasant View church April 26. for the purpose of dividing the congregation. Brethren A. B Barnhart and Silas Harp had the meeting in charge. By the consent of the congregation, a new organization was duly effected, with eighty-three members. Fifty-three of them were present. Bro. J. S. Bowlus was elected as our elder for one year. Hereafter we will be known as the Pleasant View congregation. A committee was elected to formulate plans for the remodeling of our meetinghouse and getting It in order for a love feast. We hope to do more and better work for the cause of Christ.—J. S. Bowlus. Burkettsvllie. Md., May 1.