Peach Blossom Colored (1898)
The Gospel Messenger 04-30-1898 p 285 Vol. 36 No. 18 GMPeach Blossom. —We met in council April 14, with elders J. H. Longanecker, H. E. Light and J. Y. King, members of the Home Mission Board of Eastern Pennsylvania, J. H. Longanecker presiding. At this council we decided to organize the colored members into a separate church. For this purpose, we met with the colored members April 15, Bro. H, E. Light presiding, and the result was that one minister and one deacon were elected and installed into office. We also elected a superintendent for Sunday school and provided such officers as needed to put them in working order. We also have a house for worship, for their special use, nearly completed, and intend to dedicate it May 1. We now have five colored brethren and one sister, one having departed this life. The organization will be called "The Peach Blossom Colored Brethren Church," and the house will be called "Rising Light."— Caleb Secrist, Cordova, Md., April 8, |