Monocacy (Rocky Ridge) (1853-)
Brethren at Work 08-31-1880 p 5 Vol. V No. 35MONOCACY CHURCH. MD. The territory of the Monocacy church was a part of the Beaver Dam church, but was organized into a separate district December 3d. 1885. There were at the time of organization twenty-six brethren and fifty-three sisters. These lived at some distance from each other, being scattered over a territory thirty miles long and from eight to ten wide. When they covenanted together to work iu the fear of the Lord there were thirteen different sects on the same soil, among whom immersion was regarded as non-essential to true evangelical obedience. In the midst of these the little flock, by God's grace, incessantly toiled to instruct their neighbors the way of the Lord in righteousness and peace. At the organization D. P. Saylor was the Elder, Daniel Boyer, minister in second decree and John Weybright, deacon. To these brethren the care of the members was committed, and they were taught to watch over the members in the fear of God. Sectism being predominant in the district, the progress in membership was of the slow order, hence the first baptism was administered August 3d, 18.')6, in the beautiful Monocacy by D. P. Saylor to Peter Fogle. Since then 100 persons have been baptized in this church. From the time of organization to the present the following named persons have been called to the ministry: Daniel Harp, Isaac Renner, D. R. Saylor, G. A. Hoover, and T. J. Kolb. Of the ministers, Daniel Harp, Isaac Renner, and Daniel Boyer have gone to rest in Jesus, leaving D. P. Saylor and D. R. Saylor, G. A. Hoover and T. J. Kolb to serve the church. These are good and faithful workers as a visit to the church will show. No serious troubles have ever broken the peace of the church; nor has any brother either in or out of the ministry advocated a departure from the order or form of the brethren. Nor has whiskey or strong drinks ever entrapped its members, no case of this kind ever appearing before the church. Practical temperance in the Monocacy church, for which we bless God and take courage. And we want to say injustice to this church that the Committee appointed by A. M. of 1879 to set in order things in Eastern Maryland, did not find it necessary to v sit this congregation for that purpose, for the members were in gospel order, and in fellowship and union with the general Brotherhood. The command, 'Love the brotherhood" was found to prevail among be members of this church; and we hope it any ever continue to prevail. The church has two meeting-houses—one at Rocky Ridge, the other in Double Pipe Creek. There are at present about one hundred and twenty five members, who seem to be alive to the cause of Christ. Our visit to them was very pleasant. Our only regrets are that we could not stay longer and visit all the members. for we love them all. God hits blessed them with many good things, and if they are not happy it is not God's fault Peace abide with them. M. M. E,