Glendale Church (1922-)
The Gospel Messenger July 15, 1922 page 444 Vol. 71 No. 28 FL1NTSTONE, MARYLAND June 18 the new churchhouse at Flintstone, Md., was dedicated. Hereafter it is to be known as the " Glendale Church of the Brethren." Bro, J. H. Cassady, of Huntingdon, Pa., had charge of the services, with Bro. J. B. Miller, of Curryville, Pa., leader of song. Bro. Cassady preached on Friday and Saturday evenings, and three times on Sunday. These services were largely attended, and great interest was manifested, with sixteen applicants for membership. Bro. Miller continued the meetings during the week, and six others came forward. June 24 sixteen were baptized, and others will be later. These were baptized just below the Town Creek bridge, on the Old National Highway. The scene was very impressive and was witnessed by many people. The same evening a love feast was held in the new house—the first in this community. Among those baptized were ten heads of families and six young people. The efforts of the Brethren were seconded by the other church people of the community, and there seemed to be general rejoicing when so many of the substantial citizens of the community turned to the Lord. There are now about forty members here, who greatly need pastoral care, which is not yet provided for. Here is work for our Home Mission Board. This new church cost a little over $3,600—$750 was needed to clear it of debt, and at the dedication about $560 was raised in cash and pledges, and the remainder will be provided for. I suggest that our ministers, traveling by auto on the Old National Road, make it a point to stop and preach for these people. Write to or call on Eld. J. W. Bible, Flintstone, Md.. twelve miles east of Cumberland, Artcmas, Pa. John Bennett.