Edgewood Church (1941-)
Gospel Messenger Nov. 1, 1941 page 27 Vol. 90 No. 45 Edgewood.- After being a part of the Sams Creek and Pipe Creek churches for over thirty years, the Edgewood congregation is now a church of its own. Five deacons have been installed and Bro. Clyde Morningstar was ordained as an elder. The women’s work convention was held at our church on July 31 with a large attendance. On Sept. 14 we held our council meeting and Bro. E. C. Bixler was re-elected elder with Bro. Morningstar as his assistant. Bro. Earl Hoff is our Sunday-school superintendent. Bro. Morningstar held an evangelistic meeting Sept. 21-28 with splendid attendance and a very inspiring and charge of the various groups was enjoyed by all. our first love feast was held on Oct. 5 with Eld. Bixler in charge. The ladies’ aid society improved the church basement by having cupboards built to hold the dishes necessary for the love feast. The young married people’s class had water installed in the church basement. We have a Sunday-school enrollment of 130. Twenty-one scholars had perfect attendance records for the year. – Mrs. Carroll Lindsay, New Windor, Md., Oct. 4 |