Dundalk Church (1943-)
Gospel Messenger Nov. 5, 1943 page 22 Vol. 92 No. 45 Dundalk, Maryland
Sunday, Sept. 12, will be a historical date in the life of the Dundalk Church of the Brethren, for it on this day that the Dundalk church was organized with enrollmentof forty-one members. Perhaps few churches in the brotherhood have been fired with such zeal as this one. In January, 1942, an appeal was made by several members residing in the Dundalk area, asking for provision for the establishment of a church there because of the number of members of our church how had moved into that area without benefit of a place to worship. Chester I. Harley, district field worker, I. S. Long and Frank E. Williar made a survey in this new field to ascertain the need and sincerity of these members. While the Dundalk area is considered a defense area, yet it is felt the homes and families are more or less permanently established. Not only are these people interested spiritually but as a evidence of their sincerity they have accumulated a working fund approximating $1,000. All of these members deserve commendation. On the above date, I. S. Long, Frank E. Williar and the writer of the district mission board and Wm. Kinsey of the district ministerial board met with the members and friends of the mission and effected an organization. At the same time Wendell Flory, a recent graduate of Bethany Seminary was installed as pastor of the congregation. Following Sunday school, Bro. Kinsey delivered a charge to the pastor and likewise a charge to the congregation. There were more than 100 present for the morning service. The Sunday-school enrollment numbers eighty. Jesse P. Weybright of Detour, Md., who served on the district mission board for forty-five years and whose term of office automatically expired Feb. 28, was a guest of the church and the mission and ministerial boards. Bro. Weybright spent much time in planning for the work at Dundalk and made a number of trips to Dundalk in connection with routine business and the selection of a pastor. Following the morning service a sumptuous basket lunch was enjoyed by all. The Dundalk church meets in a spacious and comfortable auditorium in the Odd Fellows’ Hall on the corner of Baltimore Avenue and Willow Spring Road. The church plans to hold a evangelistic meeting the later part for November with Bro. Charles D. Bonsack of Elgin as guest evangelist. At 3 p.m. in the afternoon the congregation again assembled. Bro. Cline Bowman conducted the afternoon devotions. He has represented the district mission board in the past months in arranging speakers for appointments at the mission and filled the pulpit a number of times himself. Bro. Long spoke on the subject, Build the Church, taking his text from Matthew 16:13-120. Following Bro. Long’s discourse, Bro. Frank E. Williar was elected elder of the Dundalk congregation. Church and Sunday-school officers were then elected. The church will be known as the Dundalk Church of the Brethren. The writer was instructed to record the minutes of the organization and give the Messenger an account of the work. These people are quite happy under the able leadership of their first pastor, Bro. Flory. Bro. Flory. Bro. Flory’s address is 66 Northship, Dundalk 22, Baltimore, Md. Frederick, Md. Jesse C. Shaver